Thursday, April 28, 2022

The Simple Solution To Global Warming

When using a lawnmower remember that you are holding the solution to global warming. What if we could take billions of tons of grass clippings and do something with them so that they wouldn't decay? 

While growing grass absorbs carbon from the air. Plants use the energy in sunlight to split molecules of carbon dioxide. The oxygen in the molecule is released back into the air while the carbon in the molecule goes to build the structure of the plant. When the grass or other plant dies and decays the carbon then goes back into the air.

If we could make something useful out of grass clippings, or at least stop them from decaying, this would be taking carbon, which causes global warming, out of the air.

Tar and asphalt, used in paving, is based on the carbon which is in oil, and which originally came from plants. There must be a way to make a suitable paving material directly from grass clippings. The company that could find a way to do that would be heroic, because that would be our solution to global warming. It would be like a thermostat, we could make the earth as warm or as cool as we wanted.

Here is a link to the original posting about this: 

Here is an explanation of global warming: 

But even if we can solve global warming we have seen that we are still permanently creating water, at the expense of oxygen, whenever we burn fossil fuels:

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