Thursday, May 5, 2022

News This Week


We know, from the Bible prophecies of the Last Days, that the final series of wars of the world will begin with an invasion of Israel from the north, and Moscow is due north of Israel. Russian-Israeli relations have been fairly good, the two militaries kept in contact as Russia was involved in the civil war in neighboring Syria. But this week relations took a sharp downturn, at least temporarily, when Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, expressed the opinion that Adolf Hitler was actually Jewish.

By the way, Adolf Hitler had one monumental achievement. The Volkswagen Beetle was his personal project. Could he have imagined that it would be his Beetle that would conquer the world?


Stanislav Shushkevich died this week. He had been the first leader of post-Soviet Belarus, and had also been the one to call Mikhail Gorbachev with the news that the Soviet Union was finished. Years before Lee Harvey Oswald, who would later assassinate U.S. President John F. Kennedy, had defected to the Soviet Union and had been assigned to work in a factory in Minsk. It had been a young Shushkevich, who also happened to be working at the factory, who was assigned to help Oswald with his Russian language skills. As we saw in the posting on this blog, "Language Lessons In Minsk" December 2021, this is a side story to the Kennedy Assassination that deserves more attention. Oswald would later kill the president of his country and Shushkevich would call the leader of his country to tell him that the country was breaking up.


Dinosaurs were in the news this week. The meteor or comet impact 65 million years ago is widely believed to have resulted in the end of the dinosaurs. My theory is that the dinosaurs were on the way out already and this impact just "pushed them over the edge". The thing that really doomed the dinosaurs is simple physics, what I refer to as "The Bone To Flesh Ratio". When a creature with bones dies, the atoms composing it's flesh return to circulation in the biosphere much faster than the atoms composing it's bones. This means a relative shortage of the atoms necessary for bone matter so that creatures with bones inevitably have to get smaller over time.

Here is a link to the original posting:

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