Thursday, December 8, 2022

Planned Coup In Germany

Police in Germany arrested coup plotters across the country, before they had a chance to carry out their plans. The news described it as a "far right" would-be coup but the plan was actually to bring the country back under the control of the nobility. This would essentially restore the German monarchy, the Kaisers, that ruled from 1871 to 1919.

The plotters were allegedly going to seek assistance from Russia. Although the Kaisers and the Romanovs were on opposite sides in the First World War, Kaiser Wilhelm II and Tsar Nicholas were actually related.

This is an illustration of what I explained in the posting, "The Far-Reaching Legacy Of The Holy Roman Empire". The Holy Roman Empire was brought to an end, very early in the Nineteenth Century, by the conquests of Napoleon. But it was an order that lasted in Europe for a thousand years, so it must have had a long-term effect.

The Kaisers began their reign over a united Germany more than sixty years after the Holy Roman Empire had come to an end. But they were from the House of Hohenzollern, which had ruled Prussia before the country had been united. The House of Hohenzollern had been part of the ruling structure of the Holy Roman Empire. An order that lasted for a thousand years isn't going to just go away.

It is not widely known just how the rule of the Kaisers ended. Here is a link to "The End Of The First World War":

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