Thursday, February 16, 2023

Buffalo's India Walton

India Walton got national attention in the U.S. by running for Mayor of Buffalo. Let's get her into the Common Council for now, she can be mayor later.

India Walton did a great service by getting in there and challenging the establishment. We saw in the posting "Review Of Freedom", January 2023, that the people who run society are made of the same kind of flesh and blood as everyone else. They may make mistakes and sometimes are vulnerable to corruption. It is vital to continuously watch and question the establishment.

But whatever India Walton does she doesn't need an official position to be a great inspiration to all of us. I see India Walton as the Queen of Buffalo, whether or not she also holds temporal positions such as Mayor or Common Council. Let's get through this shooting and blizzard and follow India Walton into the future.

Why doesn't an artist do a portrait of India Walton that we can get?

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