Thursday, May 25, 2023

Prophetic News

As for the scenario that we saw in "The End Of The World As We Know It", which is about the biblical prophecies of the "Last Days" being fulfilled in our times, Iran introduced a new version of the Kheibar Missile this week with the range to easily reach Israel. We know that Iran, formerly known as Persia, will be one of the nations that attacks Israel in the "Last Days", an event which sets off the final series of wars of the world, before Jesus establishes His Kingdom on earth.

The Kheibar Missile is named for an early Jewish settlement around an oasis that was conquered by Moslems. One of the branches of Iran's Revolutionary Guard is the Quds Force. It deals with external operations and is named for Jerusalem, which it's ultimate objective is to liberate. The new missile was unveiled next to a replica of the Dome of the Rock, which is on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Let's remember what is going to happen. The Antichrist will be the leader who seems to have all the answers to everything. He will be allowed to reign for seven years, in what is known as the Tribulation Period, before Jesus returns to establish His Kingdom and the world will be the godly paradise that was always intended.

The first half of the reign of the Antichrist will be the best time that the world has ever seen. But it will all be a fantastic, satanic lie. It will begin to fall apart and the second half of the reign of the Antichrist will be the worst time that the world has ever seen, or ever will see. Jesus made it clear that, had He not returned to end the Tribulation Period and set up His Kingdom, that no one would be left alive on earth.

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