Thursday, February 15, 2024

Donald Trump Statement

Donald Trump is reported to have made a statement this week to the effect that, should he regain the U.S. presidency, he would allow Russia to invade NATO countries that have failed to spend at least 2% of their national budget on defense. 

As we might expect, this statement has alarmed the world and especially Europe. There is discussion again in Europe about the need to establish a European military force. 

Why was someone who was campaigning to be U.S. President say such a thing? Let's remember what we saw in the posting "Inducing The Apocalypse", December 2023. A statement like this might not only alarm the world enough to prompt the emergence of the Antichrist who, at least for a while, will have all the answers that the world needs, but we know from the Book of Revelation that the Antichrist will have a great military force. This force will meet another great military force, from the east, in the final Battle of Armageddon, just prior to the Return of Jesus. 

Let's briefly review what is going to happen.

The Antichrist will seem to have all the answers. The world will adore and follow the Antichrist and he will be allowed to reign for seven years. The Antichrist must be from Europe, which was once the Roman Empire.

The first half of the seven years will actually be the best time that the world has ever seen. The Antichrist will be brilliant. But it will all fall apart and the second half of the seven years will be the worst time that the world has ever seen, or ever will see. Much of the world will rebel against the Antichrist and he will be unable to prevent the worst wars in history. The Gospels are clear that, had Jesus not returned to earth to set up His Kingdom and end the Tribulation period, no one would be left alive on earth.

When Jesus has set up His Kingdom on earth it will be the holy paradise that it was always intended to be. The whole world is a test and these tribulations have to be allowed to happen to show that when we ignore God and think that we know best, we will just make a mess of things. Only when God is followed will the world be the paradise that it was always intended to be.

As for Donald Trump, being a billionaire and U.S. President during this brief life on earth is nothing compared to having a place in eternal history for helping to get the Tribulation period underway. While that is a terrible thing, it will end in the Kingdom of Jesus on earth. 

In another statement this week, Vladimir Putin said that he would prefer Joe Biden over Donald Trump in the upcoming election. Why would he say this after Trump had made a positive statement about him? We know that Russia has generally preferred Republicans since the end of the Soviet Union. Also, we saw in "The Theory Of Kings", April 2022, that Putin and Trump are both really king's and kings tend to stick together. Monarchy has been the way things have been done for thousands of years. We haven't eliminated kings, we just don't usually call them kings anymore. Putin's statement was using child psychology to get people to vote for Trump.

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