Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Fundamental Patterns In Everything

The Fundamental Patterns are the most basic level of reality that everything operates by and conforms to. This is not actually cosmology. It is even more basic than cosmology. These Fundamental Patterns are really mathematics. They begin at a level more basic than that of numbers.

I have defined four tiers of patterns. The First Tier, the most basic, is called the Primes and all of the patterns in the higher tiers are composed of combinations and arrangements of the Primes. If there are other universes, that might be completely different from our own, my conclusion is that the Primes, the First-Tier patterns, would be the same as ours but the higher tiers may be different.


Has anyone out there ever thought that there is a physical formula by which everything in the universe inevitably operates that is as yet undocumented? At times, I got the feeling that the universe was more orderly then it should be considering the laws of physics alone and that there could well be something out there that was all around us and had not been discovered yet.

There are four mathematical patterns that I have called "Primes", for primal or primary. Everything that exists or ever can exist consists of manifestations and combinations of these four Primes, or fundamental patterns.

The Primes operate in an unvarying sequence: DOMAIN, LEVEL, COMPARISON and, COMPENSATION. This is the formula that governs everything in existence. Nothing can exist that does not function by this sequence.

This primary sequence forms what we can call the walls and corridors of reality. In the same way, you can go anywhere you want in your own house, right?

Actually, you must follow the set pattern of walls and rooms. If you just walk in a straight line, you will probably run into a wall. In a city, you can walk or drive anywhere you like, but you actually must follow the pre-set pattern of the streets and sidewalks when you do.

This is the way that all of reality works, anything that exists, anything that happens, must follow this pre-set sequence of the basic patterns, the Primes. If reality was the jam in a jar, the Primes would be the jar.

Primes are mathematical entities in that they are patterns having no real existence of their own until they are manifested by something. In the same way, the number six has no real existence until we see six of something. Then the number becomes real because it has been manifested.

However, now we can see that the counting numbers 1,2,3,..... are not the most fundamental branch of mathematics as had been assumed. Numbers compose the LEVEL prime, which is the second prime, after DOMAIN.

Basically, whenever anything exists, we have a DOMAIN. These DOMAINs must each consist of  at least one LEVEL and the only thing that differentiates any DOMAIN from any other is LEVELs, which is the second Prime. Physicists tell us that everything is really numbers, and any pattern in these numbers comprises a DOMAIN. There would be no LEVEL prime if there was only one LEVEL in existence, which would be the one and only DOMAIN, for LEVELs to be meaningful there has to be more then one. Basically, any condition is a DOMAIN but a condition of a condition is a LEVEL.

Nature always operates by COMPARISON of LEVELs, which is the third Prime. Whenever this third Prime, COMPARISON (of LEVELs) orders that a change must take place, we have what is known as COMPENSATION. This is the fourth Prime.

If there were only empty space, with all space identical and no matter or electromagnetic radiation within, there would only be one DOMAIN. If there was matter, but no movement or change was possible, there would be the first two primes, DOMAIN and LEVEL. It is only when change and movement is possible that the last two Primes, COMPARISON and COMPENSATION, are manifested. 

If there was an object it would be a DOMAIN and all dimensions associated with it would be LEVELs. If a force acted on the object the COMPARISON that it was continuously doing of the balance of forces on it would adjust accordingly and this would be a COMPENSATION.

No matter how you analyze anything, no matter how you break things down, this four-part prime sequence is the kernel of reality that is absolutely invariable. This simple sequence governs everything that can exist or ever can happen. This is literally the core of logic. Everything else in physical reality can vary except this formula.

Surely there is more to be discovered about the Primes and about this new field of primary theory. To make contributions to this new field, all one has to be able to do is think. No scientific equipment is required. This is only an example of the fact that there is so much around us that we do not notice because it is hidden in plain sight.


This is the foundation of reality. This four-part formula describes the pattern sequence by which everything that exists or happens operates.

This is at an even deeper level of reality than the Big Bang. Indeed, when the universe began, it did so by following the four-step prime sequence, DOMAIN>LEVEL>COMPARISON>COMPENSATION. Everything that has happened since then has followed exactly the same sequence.

As I described, patterns, including the Primes, are mathematical entities like numbers or geometric shapes. Like all mathematical entities, patterns have no real existence until they are manifested by some "given". For example, a triangle or the number six have no real existence in themselves until they are manifested by something triangular in form or six of something.

The Primes existed before the universe did but went unmanifested until the universe came into existence. The universe, the given, manifested the Primes that were already in existence. These four Primes, or fundamental patterns, that I have defined constitutes the foundation of reality, more primal than the familiar "given", which is space, matter, energy, etc.

However, there is also a "structure" of reality, based on this foundation, that I would like to describe here.


The four Primes are the foundation of reality, or what we would call the First-Tier Patterns. So, let's begin our look into the structure of reality with the next level of reality, the Second-Tier Patterns.

By the Second Tier, DOMAINs are already established. Thus, Second Tier Patterns are what we could call "relational patterns". These are patterns that are manifested by the given, our universe, that itself manifests the Primes, the First-Tier patterns.

At each tier of reality, the patterns of that tier and of the tiers below are manifested. Thus, reality can be described as having a kind of pyramid structure.

It is complexity along with the inter-relatibility of the DOMAINs manifested by the given which determines the Second-Tier patterns that can be manifested. The relationships between domains varies according to a range between sub-DOMAIN and completely separate DOMAIN.

We could use a scale, which is a LEVEL, and say zero if a completely separate DOMAIN and one hundred if a fully incorporated sub-DOMAIN. Zero would mean that every matter particle in the universe would be completely separate in space from every other particle and one hundred would mean all the matter in the universe in one gigantic sphere. The more independent DOMAINs are in the Second Tier, the closer to zero on the scale, the more DOMAINs there will be in the given overall but the fewer patterns are likely to be manifested.

The midpoint of DOMAIN inter-relationship, fifty, is the most likely to cause the manifestation of the maximum number of patterns because it would have maximum complexity, while either extreme; zero or one hundred, will result in no patterns being manifested at that tier due to the low complexity, so that there would be only the basic First-Tier Primes.

The fundamental Second-Tier pattern to be manifested can be called either BARRIER or BOUNDARY, depending on the circumstances. This pattern requires a "double DOMAIN" for it's manifestation. That is, at least one DOMAIN existing within a larger DOMAIN, such as a planet in a universe.

BARRIER and BOUNDARY is close to the same thing. BOUNDARY is the limits of a DOMAIN. BARRIER is a LEVELs gap, for example you cannot buy something costing two dollars if you only have one dollar, there is a barrier.

Thus, BOUNDARY is a DOMAIN expression while BARRIER is a LEVEL expression. DOMAIN and LEVEL are the first two primes.


In terms of patterns, the basic plan of our universe is what I call the "double DOMAIN", this means that there is at least one DOMAIN within a larger DOMAIN. This plan permeates our universe.

Usually, but not always, space is the larger, or outer, DOMAIN and matter is the smaller, or inner, DOMAIN. Keep in mind that although this is the plan of our universe, there could be many more possible pattern plans for a universe, whether or not there are other universes to manifest them.

My theory is that the Primes, the First Tier, is absolutely primary and invariable. But the Second-Tier patterns are manifested due to the nature of our given; the space, matter and, energy. If the universe were composed of some kind of "stuff" that was utterly different from our familiar space and matter, the Second-Tier patterns would also be different, although the Primes would always be the same.

The Second-Tier patterns that I am going to describe can only be manifested in a universe with a double-DOMAIN pattern plan and enough available complexity. The outer, as well as the inner, DOMAINs are both necessary for the first of the Second-Tier patterns to be manifested, BARRIER/BOUNDARY.

The outer DOMAIN sets the limit to the LEVELs of the inner DOMAIN and if the inner DOMAIN does not match, then BARRIER/BOUNDARY will be manifested. Each inner DOMAIN manifests BARRIER/BOUNDARY unless it's LEVELs are equal to that of the outer DOMAIN, in which case it would not be defined as an inner DOMAIN.

It requires more than one inner DOMAIN, in other words complexity, to open up the possibility of more patterns being manifested besides BARRIER and BOUNDARY. I am presuming that all possible Second-Tier patterns in a double-DOMAIN universe are manifested by our universe, although I cannot be absolutely sure of that.

Some examples of double-DOMAIN are: athletes are inner DOMAINs, the playing field is the outer DOMAIN. Chess pieces are inner DOMAINs, the chess board is the outer DOMAIN. Planets and stars are the inner DOMAINs, space is the outer DOMAIN. Residents are the inner DOMAINs, the house is the outer DOMAIN.

This is the basic pattern plan of our universe and so many of the most important LEVELs thereof are the ratios between inner and outer DOMAINs.

Just as there are four Primes in the First Tier, there are three basic patterns manifested within the double-DOMAIN universe pattern plan of the Second Tier. The BARRIER/BOUNDARY pattern is a part of the double-DOMAIN plan and so is not included in these Second-Tier four.

The first of the four second-tier patterns is PATHWAY. This is formed by a series of COMPENSATIONs. Examples of manifestations of PATHWAY that we see all over the world and the universe are: orbits of one body around another, arteries and veins in our bodies, electrical circuits, hallways in buildings, roads, the ballistic path followed by a ball, the course of a river seeking the path of least resistance, any line from one point to another, the flow of time.

The second of the four Second-Tier patterns is BRIDGE. The difference between PATHWAY and BRIDGE is that bridge overcomes some manifestation of barrier, which we saw is part of the double-DOMAIN pattern.

Indeed, BRIDGEs and BARRIERs go together. Examples of BRIDGE/BARRIER are: bridges over rivers, gates or holes in walls, energy to do work, money to buy something, a device to make work easier. BRIDGE/BARRIER essentially means the same thing as possible/impossible.

The third of the four Second-Tier patterns is SEED. A SEED is the beginning of the formation of a DOMAIN. Anything that is spiral, meaning that it creates more of itself, manifests SEED. Examples of SEED are: any kind of growth pole, such as the beginning of a town, a body in space attracting more mass by gravity, condensation nuclei for clouds, a flame in flammable material.

We can see that, while there are three Second-Tier patterns just as there is four Primes in the First Tier, the relationship between the three is different in the Second Tier. When PATHWAY is manifested, it does not necessarily mean that BRIDGE will be a factor. When BRIDGE is crossed, it does not necessarily mean that a DOMAIN will form by SEED.

In contrast with the Primes, the first two, DOMAIN and LEVEL, always go together like hand in glove, DOMAIN always manifests LEVELs. While the last two Primes, COMPARISON and COMPENSATION may not be manifested at at all. We can also see that the First-Tier Primes can be compared to atoms in the same way that the Second-Tier patterns can be compared to molecules composed from the primary atoms.


There is another tier of reality in our universe that I have identified, the Third Tier. I say "in our universe" because if another universe does, or could, exist, the patterns of the upper tiers may be completely different than in our universe or, may not exist at all.

Although my Theory of Primes stipulates that the First-Tier patterns, the Primes, are invariable and, unlike the upper tiers, have no dependence on the nature of the given (matter, energy, etc.) at all. There seems to be a limit of a few basic patterns at each tier of reality. At each of these tiers or stages, the patterns of that tier, as well as the ones of lower tiers are manifested.

As I stated above, the tiers seem to form a pyramid shape because proportionally very little of the given that manifests Second-Tier patterns also manifests Third-Tier patterns. This Third Tier also exists within the all-encompassing double-DOMAIN plan of our universe. It is manifested by the same given that the lower two tiers are.

Just as the Second-Tier patterns incorporate in double-DOMAIN form the First-Tier Primes, the Third Tier patterns incorporate both. As with each stage, patterns are manifested that are not manifested by the lower stages.

The Third Tier of reality consists of living things, while the Second consists of inanimate matter. The living things of the Third Tier use the "vessel" plan. For example, human beings have skin and a skeleton forming a vessel to contain the rest of the body's components. This is, once again, a manifestation of the double-DOMAIN pattern plan that so dominates our universe but would not necessarily dominate another universe if one existed.

The four-step operational sequences by which both the First and Second Tiers function is also apparent in the Third Tier of reality. Consider the labor that human beings do. Everyone that works can be categorized in a four-part sequence: people who make things, people who move things, people who fix things and, people who run things. Although in our complex world, many occupations include elements of more than one of the four categories.

We can also see that each tier has it's own set of rules as well as being bound to the rules of the tiers below it. The rules of the first tier is simply the prime sequence: DOMAIN>LEVEL>COMPARISON>COMPENSATION. The rules of the Second Tier in our universe are mathematics and the laws of physics. The living things compose the Third Tier.

A pattern that is manifested by the Third Tier but not by the two lower tiers is PEAK. All living things, including humans, thrive when certain factors in their existence are at a PEAK, rather than too high or too low.

With humans, several examples of PEAK are obvious. Work, play, food and, sleep are prominent parts of live for which peak is manifested. All humans will be better off with a certain PEAK in each of these things. They will be worse off if they have too much or too little.

PEAK is also manifested in the four work categories. For example, society would be less efficient if there are too few or too many workers moving things in comparison with those making things. It is only in living things that this PEAK, referring to efficiency, is manifested. This pattern is meaningless to the inanimate matter of the Second Tier of reality in our universe. 

The second pattern that is manifested in the Third Tier is ALPHABET. This is a complex form of sub-DOMAIN. The difference between the two is that a sub-DOMAIN would make just as much sense whether it was a separate DOMAIN or not. A rock would make just as much sense whether it was part of the earth or floating around in space. A part of the human body, such as a foot, in contrast makes no sense by itself but only as part of the larger DOMAIN, the body. This is what I mean by ALPHABET. We also see this alphabetization in technology. A part of a machine would make no sense by itself but only as part of the machine.

Another way the fundamental patterns form a pyramid is that there are four Primes, or fundamental patterns, in the First Tier. There are three fundamental patterns in the Second Tier and two fundamental patterns in the Third Tier.


The fact that the two tiers above the primes of the First Tier depend on the nature of the given (space, matter, energy, etc.) leads us to our next step in our study of the structure of reality, what I have termed "The Theory of Puddles".

On the earth's surface, the low spots in the ground determine where puddles of water will form after it rains. The pattern structure of reality works the same way. The structure of reality can be described as "sloped". That is, there is "high ground" and "low ground" in reality.

The underlying First Tier of reality, the Primes, can be described as "flat", with no high or low "territory". It is the given that, while manifesting the Primes, creates high and low territory which applies the tiers that come after. Indeed, each tier of reality contributes to the sloping of the higher tiers that may come after.

Some things in our universe are very common; electrons, atoms, planets, stars, galaxies, hydrogen and, rocks. These very common entities found in the universe can be described as "puddles" in terms of patterns. Such common entities would be found on the low ground of the terrain of reality.

In contrast, some things are rare; heavy water (in which the atoms of hydrogen have neutrons), gold, red giant stars, white lions and, billionaires. These rare entities are definitely not puddles like the common entities but exist on the high ground of the terrain of reality. Yet these rarities are still within the puddle because they exist.

The basic Primes of the First Tier do not favor the existence of the common entities over the rare entities at all. It is not until the Primes are manifested by some given that a sloped terrain of reality forms. Whatever entities or situations are very common in a certain tier can be described as "puddles" that form on the lowest ground.

Those entities that are rare, but possible, form in the shallow parts of the puddle of reality. Depending on the given, of course, the slopes and high ground can be totally different.

We cannot see these slopes, but all that we see around us is the result of this slope. If there was no slope, everything that could exist would have an equal chance of existence in equal numbers. Smaller things are lower on the slope simply because they require less for their existence than larger things.

Primes, and the rest of mathematics, forms the underlying "flat" and level foundation upon which to build reality in our universe. It is the given that builds a sloping landscape upon this flat foundation and causes puddles to form. As soon as we have a given, a curved or sloping landscape begins to form. There can be real existence but puddles form and dictate what will exist and what will be common and what will be rare.

Biological life follows exactly the same pattern at a higher tier of reality. Ants and beetles are puddles, while brontosaurus lies on the high ground on the slope of Third-Tier reality. Cities and towns are puddles just as planets and stars are.

In a flat landscape, anything can theoretically exist and has an equal chance of existence. But in our universe, when anything exists, it becomes a part of the landscape itself. An asymmetry is thus created when the entity becomes a part of the landscape, causing it to slope. Puddles begin to form because in the sloping landscape, reality becomes biased toward the existence of some things over others.

In any curvature, the probability of existence for all possible existences becomes unequal. In other words, puddles form. There is a form of tension in which a given creates potential complexity and existences but in doing so, it slopes the terrain of reality and limits the range of existences.

With what we could call "flat reality", when something exists to manifest the primes, it has no effect on the terrain of reality as far as anything else existing. If reality is curved, it does. The reality of our universe is obviously curved, at least above the First Tier.

Whether or not the reality of a universe or situation is flat or curved depends, of course, on the nature of the given. In terms of human expression, numbers are part of the underlying flat landscape, while the words we have created to describe the world around us are puddles. This landscape of patterns always exists, even if there is nothing to manifest the patterns.

Any given conforms to this landscape and in doing so, forms a higher-tier landscape. It operates somewhat like a dump truck emptying a load of dirt on a flat surface so that higher and lower levels of terrain form as the dirt conforms to the underlying flat surface. The laws of physics are part of the secondary curved landscape and not part of the fundamental flat landscape of the First-Tier Primes.

As we know, a puddle is a low spot where water tends to accumulate. There are an infinity of patterns waiting to be manifested by some "given". When the universe of space and matter begins, and patterns do begin to be manifested by reality, it inevitable forms a "slope". This slope of reality means that some patterns are more likely to be manifested than others. The rare patterns are at the "high" end of the slope, and the common patterns form a "puddle" at the low end of the slope. In our universe, hydrogen atoms still comprise maybe 90% of all atoms, so they would definitely be in the puddle of the low end of the slope of reality. Diamonds are rare, they would still be in the puddle of reality because they exist, but would be in the shallows of the puddle higher on the slope.

This "slope" of reality could actually be described as a ratio between the potential complexity in the universe, and the available information that was introduced into the universe by the Big Bang. Just as any slope has a ratio between the height on one side and the height on the other side. If the available information in reality and the potential complexity were equal, reality would be flat, there would be no slope and no puddle, everything would be different from everything else so that there would be no words but only names. But that is not the case and the puddle of reality that we have is based on the inequality between the potential complexity in the universe and the information available to create patterns in that complexity.


We exist in a universe of space, matter, energy, and so on. That is not the only universe there is. There is also a universe of patterns. We can see Primes and higher-tier patterns manifested in everything all around us. There is also almost certainly an infinity of patterns, most of which never have, and probably never will, be manifested by some given, such as a universe.

Suppose that, all over the world, people made sure that the number twenty-one was not manifested by anything anywhere. The number twenty-one would still exist in reality, even if it was unmanifested. Patterns are also mathematical entities and work the same way.

If another physical universe that was not composed of space, matter and, energy like ours, but was of a completely different "stuff", a completely different set of patterns could be manifested there which we will never see. Although my Theory of Primes stipulates that the basic Primes will always be the same.

It would be the patterns of the higher tiers that could be different. In the universe of patterns, a pattern is no more or less a valid pattern whether it is ever manifested or not, just as the number 72,947,110,935 would be no less valid of a number if it were not manifested anywhere.

My perception of the patterns is, of course, limited by the universe in which I live. There almost certainly is Fifth-Tier patterns that exist that I do not see here. There could be a very special universe with one hundred ninety eight tiers instead of our universe's four. Once again, it does not matter if those patterns are ever actually manifested or not by any given.

The structure of the tiers of patterns could actually be a tree, rather than a pyramid, as we see in our universe. This would mean that more than one set of patterns in a given tier emerges out of the lower tier and are separated from the other set in some way that we do not see in our universe.

The pattern plan of our universe, the double-DOMAIN, is itself a puddle that has been brought into manifestation by the slope of the terrain of reality in our given. Indeed, the patterns which are manifested by any given, such as a universe, are themselves the result of the slope. The slope is, of course, a manifestation of LEVELs.

There is probably an infinity of universe pattern plans, of which the slope of reality in our universe chose the double-DOMAIN. There is also sure to be an infinity of patterns aside from the ones I have described on these two upper tiers on the high slopes of the terrain of our reality that have given way to the ones I have described here, which have formed our reality puddles. 


The fundamental patterns are the basis of all mathematics. So if there were other universes where these patterns were different then the mathematics that described it would also have to be different.

We use mathematics to describe the world around us. To be able to describe something using mathematics we must completely understand it. Once we do we can do all kinds of useful calculations because everything we know operates by the same mathematics.

But we do not have unlimited capacity to understand the world around us. Our minds have a certain complexity and we can only understand that which is less complex than our minds. Anything that is more complex than our minds we would not be able to understand enough to apply mathematics to it because we would have to be "smarter than ourselves", which is impossible.

Somewhere out there is a formula that describes everything that you do. You cannot access it because it deals with your mind's own complexity and this would require you to be "smarter than yourself", which is impossible. But yet this unseen formula must operate by the usual mathematics. 

This is what I refer to as "near outer mathematics", mathematics which must exist but which is beyond our grasp because of our own limited complexity. All of textbook mathematics is "inner mathematics", which is within our grasp.

But aside from this set of "near outer mathematics" there must be a still more distant set of outer mathematics. As stated we use mathematics because it effectively describes the world around us. But what if that world, actually the entire universe, was based on different patterns? The mathematics would also have to be different.

The matter that all except particle physicists deal with is made of atoms. We could say that atoms are "exclusive" so the mathematics that works for us uses numbers and has the basic operations; addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponents, roots, etc. What I mean by "exclusive" is that atoms, and the matter that is composed of them, does not come into existence spontaneously and stays as it is until something changes it which would be a COMPARISON-COMPENSATION.

The numbers that we use have no real existence until they are manifested in some way. There is no such thing as the number six that we can see but we see it whenever we have six of something. But any number must exist whether it is manifested by anything or not. Consider the number 37,683,992,651,801,384,161,079,177,209,184. Let's refer to this number as "W". It may be that nowhere in the universe is this number manifested anywhere, but it is still just as much a number nonetheless because it could potentially be manifested. Just as a parking space still exists whether or not there is a car in it.

The mathematics that we use, both inner and outer mathematics, works for us because the matter that we deal with is as it is, matter could be said to be "exclusive". But what if matter, or the entire universe, was based on different patterns? Since mathematics is based on the fundamental patterns it would have to be different also.

There would still be mathematics that described it although it would be completely different from the mathematics that we are using. If matter, or whatever that universe was made of, was non-exclusive then there would be no reason for the addition, subtraction and, so on that we use. If that universe was somehow immeasurable or unquantifiable mathematics might express the effect that it has on the living beings rather than what it is actually made of.

Mathematics is inevitably related to scarcity, of not having everything that we need or want and of having to labor to get what we don't have or build what doesn't yet exist or get to somewhere other than where we are. Have you ever noticed that there is no mention of mathematics in Heaven? In Heaven we will have everything we want so why would we have any need to count or calculate?

The universe of atoms, electric charges and, electromagnetic radiation that we have is just one of an infinite number of possibilities that the universe could have been. It is like rolling dice. The sides of the dice that came up are our universe. The sides that didn't come up are all of the universes that never physically existed, but yet these numbers still exist. The sides of the dice are these fundamental patterns.

But the patterns and mathematics, completely different from our own, that would have described them must nonetheless still exist. Just as we saw with the number "W" above, a number still exists whether it is manifested or not and the patterns and mathematics, which we cannot begin to imagine, of every different universe that never actually existed to manifest them must also still exist.

This is what I refer to as "far outer mathematics". It is the mathematics of would-have-been universes and physical realms that do not even use the same basic operations as the mathematics that we use, because they are based on different patterns. What we could call "near outer mathematics" is, as explained above, mathematics that would use the same basic operations but is beyond our reach because we could not completely understand something whose complexity is greater than our own.

In ordinary science we study things that exist. These things must always manifest the fundamental patterns. The mathematics that describe the things that we study have to be based on the fundamental patterns. But the patterns always exist whether they are manifested or not, just as a number always exists whether it is manifested or not. 


Wouldn't it be great if life were really simple? If your answer is yes, then I have some very good news. I have developed an illustration of my Theory of Primes involving six basic patterns of which all of life is a manifestation.

These are not genuinely new patterns, independent of those described above, but are what we could term "practical patterns". Everything that any living thing has ever done can be described by six basic patterns, but these are all built on those fundamental patterns described above. All patterns are ultimately based on the four Primes, or First-Tier patterns. Life is very simple indeed.

It would be very good to become closely familiar with this set of patterns because it is how all of life operates. Everything that we do consists of manifestations and combinations of these patterns.

The first pattern of life is LEVER. A lever is used to redirect a force in one direction to another direction. So, a lever exchanges one thing for another thing.

All living things manifest the LEVER pattern virtually all the time. We exchange our time to complete necessary tasks. We exchange the money we earn to buy the things we need (This pattern could also be called "Exchange" or "Trade"). Whenever we move, we exchange northness for southness, eastness for westness or, downness for upness.

All machines made by humans manifest the LEVER pattern. In physics, a lever is actually the simplest of machines. A transmission exchanges rotary motion for linear motion. Motors exchange the energy in fuels for movement. A saw, axe, wedge or, nail exchanges force over a wide area for the same amount of force but over a very narrow area.

Money, time and, energy are "currencies" often exchanged whenever the LEVER pattern is manifested. Freedom is another such currency. Marriage is exchanging freedom for the marriage partner and membership is the exchange of some degree of freedom to belong to a group.

A mechanical lever pushes back in the opposite direction from which it is pushed and in the same way, the LEVER pattern of life represents how we tend to get back what we give out, if we work hard, we tend to prosper and if we are nice to others, they tend to be nice in return.

LEVER is all about living things exchanging something they have for something they require, it is not a genuinely new fundamental patterns but is associated with the second Prime, LEVEL, and represents the exchange of one level for another.

The next pattern of life is RIDGE. I have heard the saying somewhere that "Life is a beach" but it seem to me to be more accurately a ridge. The ridge of life represents balance and the aim is to remain as close as possible to the crest of the ridge during the path through life.

RIDGE is the practical manifestation of the PEAK pattern in the Third Tier of patterns in our universe. The pattern that differentiates living things from inanimate matter is that living things manifest some peak of efficiency that is meaningless with non-living things.

In the tasks that humans perform during the manifestation of the LEVER pattern, there is always some optimum way of going about it that is sought. For example, it does not make sense to train some people as bricklayers and some as surgeons and then send the bricklayers to perform operations and the surgeons to lay bricks. It would bring us closer to the peak of efficiency to have the surgeons performing the operations and the bricklayers laying the bricks. Either way, the LEVER pattern would be manifested equally but not the RIDGE pattern.

The "Golden Rule" to treat others as you would like to be treated is an example of the balance that is the RIDGE pattern as is any legal system because it is an attempt to balance the rights of some people against other people, thus forming a ridge. Anything utilizing checks and balances to keep a system in balance from constitutional government to the prey and predators in the food chain manifests the RIDGE pattern.

In our economic system, the division of labor seeking the assign the number of workers to each task in such a way that maximum efficiency of production will be attained is the RIDGE pattern again. Another clear example is the balancing of wages on one side and prices on the other side that forms a ridge.

Seeking a balance in the lives of workers between work and recreation is another manifestation of the RIDGE pattern as is having a well-rounded curriculum in school and the fact that one of the requirements of a good diet is that it include several food groups.

Think of the several supporting poles of a tepee leaning together to form a ridge. All of these are the ways that the RIDGE pattern makes living beings different from inanimate matter. When people express opinions and disagree on things, this is yet another manifestation of this pattern. An opinion, religion or, philosophy is an effort to find the crest of the ridge in some way.

A sub-pattern of the RIDGE pattern is what we could call support. Many activities and things constructed by living things, including the maintenance of life itself, requires some periodic supports. This is because our level of complexity is higher than that of our inanimate surroundings, and there must be some supports to maintain us at this higher level. The RIDGE pattern of life is at a higher level of complexity then it's inanimate surroundings, and must have certain supports to hold it at this higher level.

Some of the basic manifestations of this support sub-pattern are necessary regular habits like sleeping, eating, drinking and, washing. In anything that we build, we impart our higher level of complexity and so our buildings and machines require periodic maintenance. Just the buildings and machines themselves, with walls or framework to support their structure, are manifestations of this support sub-pattern. 

The third fundamental pattern of life is the TREE pattern. The most obvious manifestation of this is an actual tree that spreads out from the central trunk to seek as much sunlight as possible. This pattern is also manifested in non-living things, streams come together to form a river, for one example.

Some life patterns are also found in the lower two tiers of patterns. However, in the world of inanimate matter, it is almost manifested as a concentration due primarily to gravity instead of a spreading out, while living things use the pattern in both ways, explosions of stars and volcanic eruptions being among the rare exceptions.

Any activity centering around a home, base or, hub and gathering food, possessions or knowledge is a manifestation of the TREE pattern. This includes exploration and discoveries, the branching outward and seeking to gather in. TREE is the complex form of the Second-Tier pattern PATHWAY, which is the complex form of the First-Tier pattern COMPENSATION.

Farming involves the TREE in both ways, the sowing out of seeds and the gathering in of crops. Any kind of manufacturing utilizes the same pattern, the "sowing" out of the product, the gathering in of profit and, the sowing out of wages to keep the operation going. A hierarchy of any type in an organization is also a tree in structure as is a city surrounded by a supporting hinterland.

A variation of the TREE pattern, which I decided not to define as a separate pattern of life, is a pyramid. Any hierarchy is shaped life a pyramid. An athletic elimination tournament is also a pyramid. The wealth structure, with many common people on the lower level and wealthy people on top, is also obviously a pyramid.

Another variation of the TREE pattern of life is stages or generations. Human generations, from grandparents to parents to children, clearly resemble the branches of a tree. The trunk of the tree can be seen as the first generation. The major branches extending directly from the trunk are second generation branches. The more minor branches extending off those branches are the third generation, and so on. The stages in completion of a major project follow this pattern. Successive improvements in technology or sometimes political changes are also described in terms of generations.

A stage in the development of something is often what we could call a negative. When something takes place, it sometimes ends up creating a negative image of itself, and it is worth becoming familiar with this sub-pattern. A mold, used in manufacturing, is useful in that it forms a negative image of itself. If you walk in snow, you can see your footprints, but this may compress the snow that was stepped on into ice so that, when the snow melts, the raised negative image of your footprints can be seen on the surface. In the Bible is the story of Ruth, daughter-in-law of Naomi. Naomi moved to Moab with her husband and two sons, her sons married before the husband and both sons eventually died. We could thus say that Naomi was left with a "negative image" of her original family.

The fourth life pattern is SHELF. This is manifested any time living things store or house something or "put it on the shelf". This pattern covers the storage of fat in the body just as it does food in the kitchen. It also includes the dens and nests of animals as well as the homes and buildings of humans. It includes the momentum stored in a flywheel and the energy stored in a battery. Books on library shelves as well as merchandise in stores are also manifestations of the SHELF pattern.

The fifth life pattern is COPY. The most obvious manifestation of this pattern is reproduction, but it goes far beyond this. All intelligent living things learn from experience and try to copy that which has worked previously. The corrections and adjustments that are made in order to attain perfection are represented by the RIDGE pattern, with the goal to be as close as possible to the crest of the ridge.

Learning from experience is represented by the RIDGE and COPY patterns together. Doing or making anything according to, or taking account of, a previously used plan manifests the COPY pattern. Any type of mass production is another example of the COPY pattern.

A variation of the COPY pattern is what we could call spiral. A spiral is something that creates more of itself. The universe as a whole is anti-spiral, but the complex realms of living things often witness spirals taking place. An obvious example is in economics, a recessionary or wealth spiral can get started as an upward or downward spiral.

The sixth life pattern is PIXEL, as in the pixels of a computer screen. PIXEL represents our knowledge and view of the world around us. As we gain knowledge and experience, we are looking at the same picture, but with a higher pixel count.

We could have included knowledge and experience under the TREE pattern of life. But PIXEL is different in that it can be distorted like a funhouse mirror when we think with our emotions instead of with logic.

Now, doesn't life seem so much simpler? Everything about all living things is a manifestation in some way of six simple patterns; LEVER, RIDGE, TREE, SHELF, COPY, and PIXEL.

This development of the fundamental patterns really changed my way of thinking. After I had completed the Theory of Primes and really became attuned to how everything is just a manifestation of a few underlying patterns, my thinking felt so fluid and nimble and I could quickly and easily jump from one field of knowledge to another since it was the same patterns underlying everything.


In my description of the fundamental underlying patterns on this blog, I explained that there are four tiers of patterns overall which I have identified. The First Tier is the four Primes, the Second is the underlying patterns of the laws of physics. The Third Tier is about the structure of living things and the Fourth Tier is the patterns of life. The bottom two tiers are manifested by inanimate matter.

The fundamental patterns manifested by the Third Tier is PEAK and ALPHABET. The lives of living things, which is the Fourth Tier, revolve around manifestation of the PEAK pattern. ALPHABET is a complex form of sub-DOMAIN where part of a living body, or of things that we create, would only make sense as part of the body and not separately.

The Patterns Of Life are: LEVER, RIDGE, TREE, SHELF, COPY, and PIXEL. The two most fundamental of these are RIDGE and PIXEL.

RIDGE is simply the peak continued over the dimension of time. PIXEL, as in the pixels on the computer monitor you are looking at, represents our knowledge and understanding. We look at the same scene, but as we gain knowledge our pixel count increases in terms of patterns.

In my pattern definition, living things differ from inanimate matter in that all living things manifest a peak. The highest and most complex forms of life manifest the sharper peaks. The peak manifested by a living thing can have any number of dimensions, each factor in the life of the being is one dimension of the peak. When there are more factors or dimensions pertinent to a living thing, it manifests a sharper peak. When there are fewer, we have a rounded or duller peak.

The way in which we usually express this peak which is manifested by and which defines our existence is in terms of quality. In the universe of inanimate matter, the idea of quality is meaningless. Quantity is all that matters. All that there is concerning inanimate matter can be expressed in terms of quantity.

But when we come to living things, it is quality that matters. In life, quality represents the optimum combination of quantities. Quality could be defined as "complex quantity". This vital concept of quality is most easily expressed as a peak, we are at the peak when the optimum combination of quantities exist for the living thing.

Many complex systems will manifest this PEAK pattern, even those involving inanimate matter. The simplest peak pattern is the shape known to statisticians as "the bell curve". This is the simple curve, shaped like a bell, which is manifested by such things as star and planet sizes, test scores and, life expectancy of living things or products. The bell curves involving people or other living things, such as test scores, are simple because the complexity of the people taking the tests cancels out.

The bell curve involving test scores, for example, means that most people taking the test will score somewhere around the average score while a relatively few people will score well above or well below the average. This means that if plotted on a sheet of graph paper, a shape like a bell will be formed by the number of people falling within a range of scores. Having more people take the test will not sharpen the peak formed by the bell.

In my "Theory Of Puddles" I explained how reality forms a "sloped landscape" in which "puddles" are most likely to form in the low areas and least likely to form on "high ground". These puddles represent anything that exists or happens.

Hydrogen atoms, which represent the vast majority of atoms in the universe, are seen as a very large puddle which formed in a very low area on the landscape. Red giant stars, which are relatively rare, are a small puddle on the "high ground" of reality.

The slope of this reality landscape also forms a PEAK. Actually, it is an upside-down peak, or a valley. The things which came into existence most easily, such as hydrogen atoms, are at the bottom of the valley, while the more rare elements of reality are at the top.

This PEAK pattern is manifested by living things in many ways on many levels. The optimum factors for existence in terms of biological is only the most fundamental. In any task done by humans or other living things, the need for the task forms one side of the peak while the resources available to perform the task form the opposite side. When the task is completed, the two sides meet to form a peak.

A buyer and seller form a peak in a similar way. Human relations manifests a similar peak, we tend to treat others the way they treat us and the two sides meet to form either a high or low peak.

The One And The Many underlies all that we do. Imagine a square divided into many smaller squares, such as the tiles on a floor or wall. The One And The Many could be represented by a grid that gives the location of anything in the larger scheme of things. It is One DOMAIN divided into Many sub-DOMAINs.

The One And The Many brings us back to the basic Primes, the most fundamental level of reality or the First Tier patterns. DOMAIN is the first prime and every DOMAIN manifests LEVEL, the second prime. Everything is a DOMAIN and the only difference between any two domains is the LEVELs manifested by each. The one in the one and the many is a DOMAIN and it's place among all other DOMAINs is expressed as LEVELs.

The One And The Many any is all about sub-DOMAINs. In the double DOMAIN plan which pervades our universe of space and matter the inner DOMAIN is the one and the outer DOMAIN is the many.

You may have noticed that the One And The Many is actually the same thing as PIXEL. Except that while The One And The Many is fixed, the pixel is variable. The One And The Many is the true model of reality while the pixel is our view of or knowledge of that reality. The pixel pattern could be described as the overlay of living things on The One And The Many.

You may have also noticed by now that the PEAK pattern and The One And The Many patterns are actually two ways of describing the same things. The PEAK is actually the one in The One And The Many. The One And The Many describes the location of the peak relative to it's sides. There is a One And The Many for any manifested PEAK pattern.

The next thing that becomes obvious is that a PEAK is manifested whenever there is a perfect match between The One And The Many and the Pixel patterns. Whenever a human, or other living thing, is seeking a solution or working towards a goal, that goal or solution is the one that we are seeking among the many.

Any search also manifests the PEAK pattern, as well. Finding exactly what we are searching for represents arriving at the peak. The more specific the search, the sharper the peak. A broader search, such as a crop harvest, manifests a duller peak similar to a bell curve.

An ideal example of The One And The Many is news. Something that is newsworthy is simply the one among the many. This means that news is usually bad news. The ordinary is not news but something out of the ordinary is news. However, the PEAK pattern is also present in the combination of factors coming together to make the news or whatever is out of the ordinary. 

The One And The Many applies to ALPHABET in that any part of the body or something that we make, which would be the One, must be just as complex as the whole body because it wouldn't make any sense by itself and to thoroughly explain it would make it necessary to explain the whole body.


Finally, we come to complexity. This is a vital part of the description of patterns. Complexity fits neatly together with the PEAK. A complex system manifests a peak, the more complex the system the sharper or the finer is the peak.

This means that the sharpness of the peak provides us with a way to measure complexity. Measurement of complexity is something that would bring tremendous advantages.

The One And The Many is also closely related to complexity. The number of the many among which the one is to be found is essentially the same as the complexity of the system being described. Any one in a set of the one and the many must necessarily be as complex, meaning holding as much information, as the entire system because it is defined as part of the entire system. Just as, in an addressing system, any one address must be as complex as the entire system. 


The First Tier patterns, also referred to as Primes, are: 


A DOMAIN is any condition or entity that is definable by numbers. The numbers are LEVELs and are manifested by the DOMAIN. The DOMAIN adjusts by COMPARISON of LEVELS. If the LEVELs change then the DOMAIN changes accordingly. This is a COMPENSATION. 

DOMAINs usually exist in the form of sub-DOMAINs or inner and outer double-DOMAINs. A BOUNDARY is the edge or limit of a DOMAIN. A BARRIER is a LEVELs gap, that can be crossed by a BRIDGE. These, along with PATHWAY and SEED, are Second-Tier patterns that form by COMPARISON-COMPENSATION.

The Third Tier patterns are PEAK and ALPHABET. PEAK is only formed, in a single DOMAIN, by living things. ALPHABET is where a sub-DOMAIN wouldn't make any sense by itself, outside of the whole, but only as part of the larger DOMAIN. This applies to parts of the human body and things that we make.

As DOMAINs are manifested they create a slope to reality that defines, by LEVELs, what other DOMAINs can exist. What thus exists can be described as a Puddle. 

The complex patterns, made of combinations of the simple patterns, that comprise the Fourth Tier are found in the structures and lives of living things. These are: 


ALPHABET is the same as sub-DOMAINs but is particular to living things, and the things that they make. The difference is that the sub-DOMAINs would have just as much meaning whether it was part of the larger DOMAIN or not. A rock would have just as much meaning whether it was part of the earth or floating around in space. Examples of ALPHABET are a human foot or a part of a machine, which would be meaningless if not part of the larger DOMAIN. ALPHABET thus involves more information than sub-DOMAIN.

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