Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Explosion In Beirut

"WOW" is all that I can say about the port explosion in Beirut and how it ties several of our prophecies in the compound posting on this blog, "The Aztec Prophecy", April 2018, together.

But I would also like to express sympathy for this catastrophe. We saw how important Beirut has been to the world in our visit there, in May 2018. It was the Phoenicians who developed the first alphabet.

In the section of "The Aztec Prophecy" April 2018, 17) THE SACRED NUMEROLOGY OF BUFFALO, the city of Buffalo, NY is closely linked to Beirut, on the other side of the world, by the explosion of a warehouse in Buffalo.

Beirut is located at the geographical center of the famous prophecy of four successive empires that will dominate the world, represented by a metal statue, in the Book of Daniel, Chapter 2.

Now there has been the tragic explosion in Beirut that was strikingly similar to the one in Buffalo, although much more deadly. The explosion in Beirut ties the prophecies involving the Buffalo area together and to 21) THE RED PROPHECY.

21) THE RED PROPHECY begins with Cairo being founded as Mars was rising in the sky. Mars, the Red Planet the color of blood, represented war. The name of Cairo means "victory".

The Red Prophecy links Egypt to a far distant country, Vietnam, through the color red and Vietnam's great victory over Mongol ships in the Red River at the same time Cairo was being founded.

The great red cloud of smoke that rose from the explosion in Beirut was exactly the same color as the planet Mars.


It is so significant that Mars should now be linked with Beirut because Beirut is at the geographical center of the land that was common to all four successive empires that were to dominate the world in the future in the prophecy in the Book of Daniel, because Mars is the fourth planet from the sun.

In "The Aztec Prophecy", section 15) THE FIRST NIAGARA PROPHECY, involves the grain silos in downtown Niagara Falls. This is one of the things that links Niagara Falls to Egypt, as the ancient Egyptians invented grain silos.

The crown of Egyptian pharaohs was red and white, symbolizing the union between Upper and Lower Egypt. The silos in downtown Niagara Falls were originally painted red and white. Look at how this cloud of smoke appears exactly like the red and white crown of Egypt that we saw in 15) THE FIRST NIAGARA PROPHECY.


Here is the red and white ancient Egyptian crown, known as the Pschent.


The founders of Cairo, in the days long before telescopes, could not have known it but Mars has white seasonal polar caps so it is the same colors as that of the crowns of the pharaohs long before. Also we now know that, except for the atmosphere and the Nile River, the landscape of Mars is strikingly similar to that of Egypt.

The flag of Lebanon, where the explosion took place, is the same red and white colors as the crown. It is interesting that there is the tree on the flag of Lebanon, one of the cedars that represent the country, because another famous prophecy in the Book of Daniel, in Chapter 4, is Nebuchadnezzar's dream of a tree.


Actually there was a grain silo right by the warehouse that exploded in Beirut. It was very similar to the silo in 15) THE FIRST NIAGARA PROPHECY. The "Crown" of red and white smoke was above this silo just as the silo in The Niagara Prophecy was originally painted red and white. Notice how the silo is destroyed by the explosion but is still standing.


The way that the silo by the site of the explosion in Beirut is destroyed, but still standing, further links it to the silo in The First Niagara Prophecy. Timothy McVeigh was from near Niagara Falls. The truck bomb that he set off used ammonium nitrate, the same chemical that exploded in Beirut, and left the Murrah Federal Building destroyed but still standing in exactly the same way as the silo in Beirut.


In the following photo, on the left, the cloud of white smoke forms the image of a man behind the red smoke. Scroll down a little bit to see it.


In fact, it looks just like the Michelin Man, the mascot of the French tire company.


This reflects the link between Egypt and distant Vietnam that we saw in "The Red Prophecy", and adds Beirut to the link. The president of France made a high-profile visit to Beirut following the explosion.

Vietnam, like Lebanon, had been a French colony. Michelin had a vast rubber plantation west of Saigon. Some believe that protecting this plantation was a primary reason behind first France, and then America, going to war in Vietnam.

So the red smoke, the color of Mars, represents Cairo and Egypt and the white smoke, in the form of the "Michelin Man" links it to Vietnam.

The explosion in Beirut happened on August 4. That is the anniversary of the 1972 event when dozens of naval mines, air dropped by the U.S. in Haiphong Harbor during the Vietnam War, detonated because of a solar storm.

It must have been the explosion of the ages. although I don't know if it injured anyone. The mines were designed to detonate upon the change in magnetic field caused by a passing ship. But a solar storm caused them to detonate. This event was part of "The Red Prophecy".

The date of August 4, 8/4 or 4/8, is interesting because there were four successive empires in the prophecy in the Book of Daniel, as described above, and the building destroyed by Timothy McVeigh was eight stories while the warehouse in Buffalo and the barracks that were destroyed in Beirut by 1983 explosions were both four stories. Again, the ammonium nitrate that exploded in Beirut was the same chemical used by Timothy McVeigh.

This pattern in the smoke from the explosion of an image of a man in white smoke emerging from the red smoke, which is the color of Mars, is just so interesting because the Book of Revelation describes Satan as "a red dragon". Chapter 6, about the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, portrays the Antichrist, who is defined in the Book as getting his power from the Dragon, as the rider on the white horse. The red horse represents war.

So this involves the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and the four present and future empires that will dominate the world in the Book of Daniel. Beirut is in the geographical center of the area that was common to all four of those empires. Beirut has now been linked to Mars, which stands for war and is the fourth planet. 

We saw in "The Sacred Numerology Of Buffalo" the significance that both the warehouse in Buffalo that exploded and the barracks in Beirut that was bombed were both four-story buildings.

The sections of "The Aztec Prophecy" that are linked by the explosion in Beirut, in order of significance, are:




Does it look like I am making this up? If I wrote that I saw a miracle and asked you to just believe me, that would be one thing. But you can check everything that I write here for yourself. I could not have written anything in those prophecies after the fact because countless readers have already read them, and may have copied and pasted them.

I am still greatly surprised that it had never been pointed out that the supernova that created the Crab Nebula, which made for a great light show in the sky, was going on while the momentous split in the church, that shapes the world to this day, was taking place in the year 1054.

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