Thursday, August 27, 2020

Rotation And Cosmology

Planets and stars tend to rotate because that actually represents a lower information state. For the planet or star to not rotate it would be necessary to align it in a particular way in space, with the stars always in the same fixed position in the sky.

But that would make it necessary to choose one of the possible alignments, to the exclusion of all the others. That choice would be information and we see in the theory on this blog, "The Lowest Information Point", December 2017, that the universe always seeks The Lowest Information Point. 

So what the universe does is have the planet or star cycle through all possible alignments. In other words, the planet or star rotates. This involves less information than having the planet or star fixed in one position, because the choice of that position would require information.

But to rotate, the star or planet must do so around a fixed axis, and that axis must be aligned in a particular direction in space, to the exclusion of all possible other directions along which the axis could possibly be aligned.

So there is a choice that has to be made, even though the planet or star is rotating so that the universe does not have to make a choice of how the planet or star is to be aligned in space. The choice is in which direction the axis of rotation will be aligned, to the exclusion of all other possible directions.

But this is not a choice that absolutely has to be made. The universe could reach a still lower state of information if it had to.

Complete rotation is possible. At any given time rotation must be around a defined axis. The definition of that axis is a choice that must be made. But, just like the planet or star to avoid a choice, the axis around which it rotates could itself rotate around the star along a line of longitude.

But then that line of longitude would have to be a choice out of all possible lines of longitude around which the axis of rotation could itself rotate.

However the universe could avoid making that choice by having that longitudinal path of the axis of rotation rotate itself around the planet. 

This could be described as complete rotation of the star or planet. No choices would have to be made. The universe would achieve the lowest information state by not only having the planet or star rotates, but having the axis of rotation rotate, and then having the longitudinal plane through which the axis of rotation rotated itself rotate.

This could be described as "complete rotation" and would enable the planet or star to achieve the lowest information point by avoiding any choices.

Yet this is not what happens. Planets and stars rotate, around their rotational axis, but that axis remains in a fixed position, at least over very long periods of time. There is not as much rotation as there could possibly be, not complete rotation.

So if the universe does all it can to get to the Lowest Information Point, why doesn't it go all the way with "complete rotation"?

The only possible answer is that there must be some information already there. The universe avoids choosing a directional alignment by rotating but doesn't need to avoid choosing the one dimensional axis of rotation.

That means there must be the information of one dimension already there and so the universe does not have to make a choice.

Remember that in my cosmology theory, detailed in the compound posting on this blog, "The Theory Of Stationary Space", July 2017, the matter of the universe began with a two-dimensional sheet of space that was within, but not contiguous with, the multi-dimensional background space.

Everything in the universe, both space and matter, is composed of nearly infinitesimal negative and positive electric charges. The basic rules of the charges are that opposite charges attract while like charges repel, but these rules can be overcome by energy. Planck's Length is the nearly infinitesimal length that shows up in so many physics formulas, that is because it is the size of one of these electric charges. Matter consists of like charges held together against their mutual repulsion by energy. This is why matter consists of charged particles such as electrons. The energy that holds the like charges together in matter is the well-known Mass-Energy Equivalence, and is what gives matter it's mass. If the two electric charges are equal then the two rules of attraction and repulsion must also be equal. If matter involves overcoming the repulsive force between like charges then it must leave a net attractive force involving matter. There is indeed an attractive force between matter, it is known as gravity. Energy overcoming the attractive force between opposite charges in space is what results in electromagnetic waves.

Charge migration took place within the two-dimensional sheet of space, positive charges more to one side and negative charges to the other side, due to the attractive and repulsive forces of the electric charges in the background space so that the charge migration brought about a lower energy state.

But since this original two-dimensional sheet of space, from which matter originated, was not contiguous with the surrounding background space, that caused the more-negative side of the sheet to contact the more-positive side, after charge migration had taken place.

The resulting matter-antimatter annihilation is what we see as the Big Bang which began the universe. One of the two dimensions of the sheet disintegrated and it's energy was released into the surrounding space. The remaining one dimension of the sheet remained as the very long one-dimensional strings of which matter, in my cosmology theory, is composed.

This is why matter is composed of charged particles, such as negatively-charged electrons. The particles are composed of bundles of one-dimensional strings with an electric charge.

The reason that we see matter as composed of particles, rather than strings, is that we can only see in three of the four dimensions of the background space over which the one-dimensional strings are scattered. The other dimension is what we perceive as time.

This explains why we can readily detect the radiation from the Big Bang but cannot determine the direction from which it is coming. If we lived in three dimensions then we should be able to pinpoint the direction from which the radiation is coming, instead it seems to be coming equally from all directions in space.

The only way to explain this is that there must be a dimension of space that we cannot see and the radiation must be coming from that direction. We perceive the Big Bang as being in our past, actually the beginning of time.

Our consciousness moves along the bundles of strings composing our bodies and brains at what we perceive as the speed of light. That is why everything in Special Relativity revolves around the speed of light but we can find no real reason why the speed of light is what it is, instead of some other speed.

Now we can see what time really is. There was no satisfactory explanation to be found anywhere as to what time actually is. So I figured it out for myself and that was the beginning of this theory.

So this brings us back to the rotation of stars and planets across the universe. The purpose of the rotation is so that no choice would have to be made as to directional alignment, because being able to avoid the choice gives the universe a lower information state. 

But the one-dimensional axis of rotation is able to be defined, even though it doesn't necessarily have to be, and that can only be because the information of one dimension was already there, in the one-dimensional strings of which all matter, in my cosmology theory, is composed.

This cosmology theory, "The Theory Of Stationary Space", is again shown to be correct. The basis of the theory, described above, is simple but we can go on and on adding all of the things that it explains, beginning with what time actually is, that cannot otherwise be explained.

I believe that the reason cosmology hasn't progressed further than it has is actually religion. We have applied the patterns of religion by making Albert Einstein into a prophet-like figure. This hinders us in moving beyond his theories of Relativity.

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