Thursday, August 6, 2020

The Nineteen Prophecy

Has anyone ever thought of this?

We know that the number 7 is important in the Bible. One of the first things in the Bible is that God created a seven-day week by creating the world and universe in six days and then resting on the seventh day. One of the first things in the Book of Revelation is a description of the Seven Spirits of God. The Book of Daniel has the "Weeks of Years" prophecy.

Another important number in the Bible is twelve. There was the Twelve Tribes of Israel and then the Twelve Apostles of Jesus.

Since these two numbers are so important in the Bible, what would we get if we added them together so that 7+12=19?

We can see that, in the story of the Bible, the importance of seven came before that of twelve. The number nineteen does not show any unusual significance in the story of the Bible but, since it is an addition of the two, maybe it's significance may not show up until later.

The next major chronological story in the Bible is that of the Apocalypse. Could it be that, in the time leading up to the fulfillment of the prophecies, that there will be interesting things happening that involves the number nineteen?

We saw how the world is approaching the fulfillment of the Bible prophecies of the "Last Days", in our time, in the posting on this blog, "The End Of The World As We Know It", June 2020.

The one-lifetime countdown to the establishment of the Kingdom of Jesus on earth, following the reign of the Antichrist and the Apocalypse, is the original city of Jerusalem coming back under Jewish control after a long time under Gentile control.

This occurred in 1967. But there had been a nineteen-year delay between the ancient nation of Israel being reestablished, in 1948, and the addition of the original city of Jerusalem in 1967.

We saw what could be the reason for this nineteen-year delay, to give the new generation coming of age in the 1960s a chance to build the Millennial Kingdom themselves without going through the Apocalypse, in the compound posting on this blog, New Insight Into Bible Prophecy" October 2016, in the section 17) CROSSING THE RED SEA.

There is no nineteenth month on our calendar. But the modern cycle of conflict, in the new millennium began on 9/11, which includes a 1 and a 9, when nineteen hijackers flew planes into buildings.

The modern era of terrorism, at least in the U.S., involving simple mass killing without the hostage-taking that had typified terrorism in the past, could be said to have begun with the truck bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City by Timothy McVeigh.

But did that bombing presage 9/11? The bombing occurred on April 19, which is 4/19. Later, four planes would be flown to their targets by nineteen hijackers. Timothy McVeigh would be executed on June 11, exactly three months before 9/11, and only three of the four planes on 9/11 would reach their targets.

Nineteen years after the attack by the nineteen hijackers would be the unforgettable year of Covid-19. It was so-named because it was discovered in 2019. In fact, it was identified on December 19.

In the world as a whole the modern era of terrorism, again meaning simply to kill as many people as possible to make some point with meaning beyond the perpetrators which differentiates it from mass shootings, could be said to have begun with Iran's Cinema Rex fire of August 19, 1978. Previous terrorism almost always involved taking hostages.

The number of the Antichrist is 666. 7 is the number of God and 6 represents falling short of God, just as the three sixes added together to get 18 represents falling short of 19.

The creation in seven days represents a direct action by God. The twelve tribes and then the twelve apostles, humans who are to bring the Word of God to the world, represent not a direct action by God but actions by humans on behalf of God. The establishment of the Kingdom of Jesus on earth, following the Apocalypse, will go back to being a direct action by Jesus and beyond human power.

Notice that the numbers representing direct divine power, 7 and 19, are prime numbers. But the number representing human activity on behalf of God, 12, is a very divisible number, the direct opposite of a prime number.

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