Thursday, January 20, 2022

The Earth's Rotation And The Flow Of Rivers

The centrifugal force produced by the  eastward rotation of the earth should have an effect on rivers. The primary direction of river flow on earth should be either eastward, along with the direction of rotation, or toward the equator. Indeed this is what we do find, but there are exceptions.

I have noticed a simple rule concerning the flow of rivers. If the primary direction of flow of a major river is either westward, opposite the earth's rotation, or away from the equator it can only be the result of a tectonic collision, or what my geology theory defines as "Original Impact Lines", which are mountain ranges from the impacts on earth as "Continental Asteroids". We will consider the major examples of such contrary rivers.

The geology theory is "The Story Of Planet Earth", on the geology blog,

The Narmada River, across northern India, flows westward, opposite the earth's rotation. But we know that there was the tectonic collision of India with Asia that produced the highest mountains in the world, the Himalayas. This collision is still going on, as we see by the major earthquakes in what is now Pakistan.

The Nile River flows northward, away from the equator, but we know that there has been tectonic movement because the continents in general have moved northward, so that the vast majority of the world's land area is today in the northern hemisphere. The Nile River could have been flowing toward the equator, from the southern hemisphere, and continued flowing northward as the continent also moved northward. The Pyramids of Egypt are actually evidence of tectonic movement because they are made of limestone, and we know that limestone is former sedimentary seafloor that was forced upward by tectonic movement of the continents.

The Rhine River flows northward, away from the equator, but there was an obvious tectonic collision nearby, that of Italy with Africa to the south, colliding with Europe. The collision produced the Alps Mountains. The Alps have so much in common with the Himalayas that Bollywood scenes taking place in the Himalayas are actually often filmed in Switzerland. I believe that, before this collision, the Rhine and the Rhone had been one river. Another way we see how Africa has collided with Europe is how the underlying rock at the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula has been forced upward to form the Rock of Gibraltar.

The Congo River starts south of the equator and flows toward it. Then, after crossing the equator, it flows back across the equator and westward, opposite the earth's rotation. But this is caused by the extensive mountains of east Africa. My geology theory defines the north-south mountains of east Africa as an "original impact line", caused by the impact of one of the Continental Asteroids, rather than by tectonic activity.

The Niagara River appears, on a map, to be a strait, rather than a river, as it's primary function is to connect two bodies of water, rather than draining a watershed. But it has the rapid flow of a river, as well as Niagara Falls, because Lake Erie is much higher in elevation than Lake Ontario. But the Niagara River flows northward, away from the equator. However this can be explained by tectonic collision, the sliding collision between what is now Africa and what is now North America that produced the mountains and ridges of the Appalachians. The part of North America that is east of the Appalachians was once part of Africa. Part of the Appalachians ended up in Africa, the Atlas Mountains of Morocco and Algeria.

The Parana River of South America flows primary southward, away from the equator, but that is caused by the mountains near the east coast of South America, which was part of the "Original Impact Line" mountains of southern Africa, before the two continents were split apart by volcanic activity along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. This split caused Africa to drift northward at a faster rate than South America, and the resulting friction pulled up seafloor that is now the Gran Chaco plain in South America. In a similar way the sliding collision between what is now North America and what is now Africa that formed the Appalachians also pulled up seafloor that is now the Mississippi River Basin.

The Darling River of Australia also flows southward, away from the equator, but that is because of another "Original Impact Line" left by a "Continental Asteroid" impact. This is the mountains known as the Great Dividing Range.

There are rivers in Russia that flow northward, away from the equator, but that is because of the most extensive "Original Impact Line" of all, the one across Turkey and Iran to central Asia. There are rivers in Canada that also flow northward, away from the equator, but that is because of the tectonic collision of North America with the Pacific Plate. The Pacific Plate is by far the largest of the earth's tectonic plates and apparently the only one that undergoes tectonic collision with continents.

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