Thursday, May 19, 2022

Apocalyptic News

With regard to the fulfillment of Bible prophecies of the "Last Days", in our time, some interesting things happened this week. The prophetic scenario is detailed in the posting on this blog, "The End Of The World As We Know It".

We know that the final series of wars of the world, before the Return of Jesus to set up His Kingdom on earth, will begin with an invasion of Israel, after it is restored from a long exile, from the far north. Moscow is due north of Israel.

Russian forces have been involved in Syria, which is directly north of Israel, for several years, and Israel regularly conducts bombing missions in Syria. Thus far the two militaries have kept in communication and the relationship between the two countries has been fairly good. But this week, for the first time, there are news reports that Russian surface-to-air missiles were fired at Israeli aircraft.

We also know that Iran, listed in the Bible by it's former name of Persia, will be involved in the final invasion of Israel. This week Israel announced a major military exercise, a rehearsal of striking at Iranian nuclear targets. 

The war between Russia and Ukraine is a threat to global food supplies, as both countries were major producers of food. This is part of the plan that we saw in the postings, "What Is Really Happening In Ukraine" and "A Religious Reason For The Invasion Of Ukraine" both March 2022. It is to upset the world order enough to prompt the Antichrist, who will seem to have all the answers to everything, to make his appearance. When the Antichrist makes his appearance the world will be only seven years, although it will be a terrible seven years, away from the Return of Jesus.

Something that mystifies people across the world is why the United States allows it to be so easy for people to get hold of assault rifles. There is actually a simple explanation, it involves reading the posting on this blog, "U.S. Presidents And The Apocalypse" March 2022. The presidents since 9 / 11 have wanted the biblical Apocalypse to happen because that will mean the Return of Jesus to set up His Kingdom on earth. Before that happens the Antichrist must have the chance to reign over the world for seven years. But the Antichrist will be the greatest dictator that the world has ever seen. How can the greatest dictator emerge if the world is moving toward democracy? However global democracy has been really slipping over the past few years. A major reason is that people across the world look to America and the west as examples of democracy, and what they see is frequent mass shootings with assault rifles. They see what they do not want their countries to be like. Assault rifles are a doorway for the Antichrist, which must precede the Return of Jesus.

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