Thursday, July 25, 2024

Linking Science And God

Remember that one thing I am trying to do with this blog is to base science on God. We usually consider science and religion to be two completely separate ways of looking at the world. But God created the universe.

What would happen if we ask God to show us how the universe works, and lead us to discoveries? That is what I am doing here. I can think of something, check online to see if it has ever been pointed out, and then go right to the people with it. But I always ask God to guide me.

The result is the scientific theories, detailed in the posting at the top "Introduction To This Blog System". These theories explain so much that has never been explained, and I developed them after asking God to guide me.

The Creation Blog,, explains, in scientific terms, why God must have created us and why we could not have arisen spontaneously from inanimate matter. But I could have gone on and on writing it, with examples of why God must have created us.

First, just the fact that all things that were once living must be either alive or dead shows that there must be information from outside that has gone into living things. 

Living things are clearly vastly more complex than their surrounding inanimate environment. If living things had arisen spontaneously, had "evolved", from their natural environment then living things would be "islands" of higher complexity in the surrounding environment.

But if living things were then "islands" of higher complexity then there would be an increasing scale of complexity from the surrounding level up to the higher level of the living things. Going from life to death would be a sliding process that would have no reason for a sharp definition of the difference between life and death.

As it is there is a sharp definition between life and death. Going from life to death is like falling off a cliff. This shows that there is a gap between the higher complexity level of life and the lower level of the surrounding environment. There is no way to account for this gap if life had somehow arisen from it's surrounding environment.

There must have been information implanted from outside that brought living things to a higher level of information than the surrounding environment, with a wide gap between the two levels. In other words, God created us.

Second, what about the thin film of water that bathes our eyes? That film of water is absolutely necessary for our vision. 

If we go outside in cold weather, that film of water should freeze instantly, but yet it doesn't. The reason that it doesn't is that it is so saline. We can even get severe frostbite in our limbs and that thin film of water on our eyes will still not freeze.

Aside from this film of water resisting freezing humans would not be able to live in climates where the temperature ever dropped below freezing.

This could not have "evolved" by trial and error. There would be no evolutionary reason for eyes at all if they couldn't see. It would not make sense to "evolve" the salinity, in order to live in cold climates, if humans already had warm climates to live in.

Humans began in a warm climate, in Ethiopia, and the only way to explain this saline film of water is that God created us and intended us to also live in cold climates.

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