Thursday, July 25, 2024

Thanks To Readers

Tuesday is the 19th anniversary of the online writing that would become this blog. The first posting went up on July 30, 2005.

I would like to, once again, thank readers for making this blog such a fantastic success. When I started this blog on a computer in the red brick library not far from where I live, I thought that I would maybe write articles for a few months. I never imagined that it would go anything like this far. Because I write about the Bible prophecies the wars in Ukraine and Gaza and the apocalyptic statements made by members of the U.S. and Russian Governments have pushed readership off the charts.

This blog has brought the best out in me like nothing else ever has, knowing that so many people are reading and that I must come up with something worthwhile for them to read. I plan to keep writing here as long as I can come up with articles that are worthwhile for my audience to read.

What I want to convey here is not just knowledge, but the addition of new knowledge. I don't want to just write about things that are already known, but to add things that were not known or seen before. I won't write anything here unless it is new, or at least a new way of looking at things. I never ask readers to just believe something, but show you so that you can see with your own reasoning and fact checking that it must be correct.

There are things all around us, every day, that no one has yet noticed and pointed out. The internet makes it possible to come up with an idea or discovery, and check within minutes to see if anyone else has ever thought of it. Today, everyone has essentially the same access to information as anyone else in the world. There are all kinds of patterns in that information that are yet to be noticed.

Remember my favorite motto, concerning this writing, that "Discoveries are often made not by answering questions that no one else has answered, but by asking questions that no one else has asked". I was led to the original cosmology theory on this blog by continuously wondering what time is. Time is so basic to us, but I could find nothing at all anywhere about what it actually is. Finally, I worked it out myself, and the result is the cosmology theory which I have been continuously adding to since I first thought of the basic scenario, "The Theory Of Stationary Space".

About half of what I write here is about science. My thought is that the internet is a doorway for amateurs in science. An amateur can make discoveries that are as valuable as that made by any professional. Some branches of science, particularly astronomy, have always had heavy amateur participation. The difference between an amateur and a professional is that the professional is assigned to work on some particular project, while the amateur can "wander" and look into whatever sparks his or her interest. 

Such a generalist may notice connections between things that the specialists didn't notice. Most well-known scientists before the Twentieth Century were amateurs, engaging in scientific investigation only as a hobby. Albert Einstein was an amateur, working a day job as a patent clerk, when he published his first Theory of Relativity. He was not a professional scientist.

When I was a child I became interested in space. I read about the brilliant supernova in the sky that was recorded in the year 1054. We see the remnants of it today as the Crab Nebula. When I later became a Christian the year 1054 sounded familiar. It was when the momentous split took took place between the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches. All conflict between east and west in Europe, including the war in Ukraine, began with that split. I was amazed to find that no one had ever pointed out that the supernova was going on at exactly the same time as the split, in early July of that year. Could it have been a warning from God? Europeans didn't seem to have recorded it but it is seen in Arab, Chinese and, Japanese sources.

But science is not all that is written about here. There are the weekly visits to places across the world, as well as articles about world events and history. I am in a position to contribute to people better understanding each other, and that is exactly what I am going to do.

I try to combine articles about the same, or similar, subject matter, when possible. I would rather have fewer long articles than many shorter articles. There are a number of compound postings on this blog, collections of previous postings about similar subject matter. For a complete list of the theories and compound postings see the introductory posting at the top, "Introduction To This Blog System", "Library For Readers" and the posting "Index Of Compound Postings".

I have given up on periodically moving postings from this main blog to the applicable topical blog, just keeping everything here on one blog. There are quite a few articles on the topical blogs with post dates of June or July of 2009. That is because this is when I developed this new system of the main blog and the topical blogs, but I now use only this blog.

My writing process is first, of course, to think of an idea to write about that no one else has yet noticed, or at least that I can present in a different light. The idea is very often linked to, or a continuation of, something that I have written previously. I run the idea through my mind to see if I can develop it as a viable posting. I make sure that I can work out the essence of the idea in my mind, and get an idea of how the details will fit together.

This blog is quite a bit of work, although very enjoyable work. The actual writing itself is just the "tip of the iceberg". A lot of news and general reading gives me ideas to write about. Then there is working out the idea and maybe fact checking. Coming up with new ideas and things to write about is relatively easy, although sometimes working out all the details is difficult.

This blog is my top priority. This is my big thing in life and I am going to put my best into it. I used to be interested in learning languages, and collected tapes of all major languages of the world. I planned to do computer certifications. But I put it aside because it wouldn't give me much to write about but would take mental energy away from my writing. I have developed a computer language that I have written about here, actually mathematics that enables anything that is expressed in words to be expressed in numbers. But I decided that trying to find a company to buy it is taking too much attention from my writing here, and it will be a future project.

Part of what I do here is to question things. For one example how we would have been much better off counting by twelves, instead of tens. This helps us to break out of grooved-in thinking so that we are more likely to notice better ways of doing things.

I have only a community college degree and am mostly self-educated. About 20% of what I know I learned in school. But I consider that as an advantage in writing this blog. A downside of a formal education is that one learns to think like everybody else. Sometimes it might be good to think like everyone else but in coming up with new ideas someone who thinks like everyone else is less likely to notice things that no one else has noticed.

My cultural background is inevitably reflected in this blog. I am a Protestant, and Protestants are very individualistic. The religious ideal of Protestantism is for everyone to be able to read the Bible for themselves and go directly to God, with a minimal religious "establishment". 

There is the establishment, the community and, the individual. The secular ideal of Protestantism is to take some of the power away from the establishment, and the community, and give it to the individual. This blog, and the internet in general, certainly empowers the individual. You can go right to the people, without going through any "establishment", and without requiring the approval of the "community".

Anyway, this blog has been a fantastic journey that I never imagined would turn out like this and it is because you expect something to think about every week, and I have to make sure that I deliver it.

My Instagram account is mark_5429. Don't follow it because I am not adding anything new to it. I put my autobiography at the end of this blog in the posting "Updated Autobiography", July 2009. It is a living autobiography in that I am adding more to it as I think of it.

My book about health and fitness is "Secrets Of Health And Fitness" by Mark Meek. It is nearly lifelong study of study of health and fitness that gave me a scientific method of thinking. I am soon to be 64 and have lived my life in nearly perfect health and am doing daily workouts that I would have been very pleased with as a teenager. Exercise is wonderful for imparting a relentless sense of improvement that carries over to other areas of life.

Young people should not underestimate age. Obviously older people are not always right. The world that you inherit would be a paradise if they were. But I could not imagine doing all of this writing when I was young. If someone would have shown me all of the writing that I would someday do, and the number of people that would be reading it, I simply would not have believed them.

Spend more time with your parents because someday they will be gone. Never think that it is not cool to hang out with your parents. If I could have my mother and father back I would hang out with them all day every day.

Remember that the most destructive word in our language is "talent". People who are "talented" are not really "talented". They just have a strong sense of improvement. "Talented" people just take wherever they are and just keep improving on it. A person without the same sense of improvement will see them and say "Oh, that person is so talented".

Also remember what I refer to as "Your Three Things". Your position in life often depends on the approval of other people. Sometimes it is out of your control and sometimes you are not treated fairly. What you can do is to concentrate on the things that are under your control. Improve your mind, improve your physical fitness, and improve your relationship with God. All three of these things are under your control. These are "Your Three Things".

Your reading this blog is greatly appreciated.

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