Thursday, January 4, 2024

Cosmology Theory In Diagrams

I have illustrated my cosmology theory, which I call "The Theory Of Stationary Space", with twenty two diagrams. This should make the theory easier to understand.

This is an abbreviated version of the theory, based on the diagrams.

This theory explains so much about the universe that has never been explained before. But the basis of it is simple. Let's begin with the two paragraph abstract that I use to introduce the theory.

My cosmological theory has the universe as not-quite-parallel strings of matter aligned mostly in one direction in four-dimensional space, although there could be many more than these four dimensions. The direction in which these strings of matter are primarily aligned is the one that we perceive as time, along which our consciousnesses move at what we perceive as the speed of light. We can only see perpendicular to the bundles of strings of matter comprising our bodies and brains. The original two-dimensional sheet of space, amidst the multi-dimensional background space, disintegrated in one of it's two dimensions as one pair of it's opposite sides came into contact. Due to charge migration, to seek a lower energy state, one side was positive in charge and the other was negative. This brought about the matter-antimatter mutual annihilation that we perceive as the Big Bang. The energy in the disintegrating dimension, from the tension between adjacent opposite electric charges, was released. The remaining dimension then consisted of very long strings of infinitesimal cross-section, that we perceive as the particles of matter today. Some of the energy released by the disintegrating dimension went into "welding" the charges of the remaining dimension together as strings of matter. We perceive these strings as particles because our consciousnesses are moving along the bundles of strings composing our bodies and brains, at what we perceive as the speed of light, and we can only see at right angles to our strings.

So, the basics of my theory is a two-dimensional sheet of space, which formed amidst the multi-dimensional background space by the same kind of opposite charge induction, disintegrating in one of it's two dimensions as one pair of it's opposite sides came into contact to create the matter-antimatter explosive mutual annihilation that we perceive as the Big Bang, which began the universe, and which scattered the remaining one-dimensional strings of matter out across space to form the universe that we see today. The strings of matter from the original two-dimensional sheet were scattered across four dimensions of the background space.

Here is how the theory explains the universe in twenty two diagrams. There are twenty three sections because one is a photograph.


Our universe began with opposite charge replication. This theory takes the universe back to a single electric charge, whether negative or positive. The number one rule of the universe is that negative and positive charges must always balance out. If necessary the universe will create new charges to make them balance out.

The single electric charge was an imbalance. So it induced opposite charges on either side of it. But that still left an imbalance so opposite charges were induced on either side of those, but that still left an imbalance. The process of opposite charge replication continued on, in multiple dimensions, to create the space of the entire universe. The imbalance was because there were two electric charges, an even number, but there would always be an odd number of charges.

Shown in the diagram, from top and starting with a positive charge, is the successive charge replication creating two dimensions of space. But no matter how much replication is done an imbalance always remains because there are two electric charges but an odd number of total charges.


This describes simple replication but replication of charges was more complex so that a two-dimensional sheet of space formed that was within, but not contiguous with, the checkerboard pattern of the background space. The lowest information state would have it aligned at a 45 degree angle to the right angle dimensions of the background space. In the following diagram two dimensions of the background space are shown by the black lines and one dimension of the two dimensional sheet within is shown by the red line.


The electric charges in the two-dimensional sheet were alternating negative and positive, just as in the surrounding background space, although the two patterns were not aligned. In seeking a lower information state, which the universe always does, charge migration took place in the sheet, with positive charges to one side and negative to the other, with a mix of charges in the middle. This was due to the pressure of opposite charge attraction and like charge repulsion from the charges of the surrounding background space.


With positive charges shifted to one side of the two-dimensional sheet, and negative charges to the other side, and with the charge pattern of the sheet not aligned with the checkerboard of the background space, the negative side of the sheet came in contact with the positive side. This produced the tremendous matter-antimatter mutual annihilation that we refer to as the Big Bang.

Since the sheet was not in alignment with the checkerboard charge pattern of the background space this represented information, and information is really the same thing as energy. One dimension of the two dimensional sheet, the sides that came into contact, disintegrated. This dimension became energy, and this introduced energy into the universe. 

What energy does is, at least to some extent, overcome the basic rules of electric charges, that opposite charges attract while like charges repel. Energy increases the distance over which electric charges balance out. They still have to balance out overall but energy increases the distance over which they have to balance out. Since there is a finite amount of energy in the universe the universe always seeks the lowest energy state. The only rule that is more important than this is that negative and positive electric charges must always balance out.

Some of the energy released in the Big Bang went into holding together the like charges from the sheet together, against the mutual repulsion of like charges, into the strings of matter that we see today. This is why matter consists of charged particles, such as electrons and protons and their antimatter equivalents. Neutrons have no net electric charge but a neutron is a secondary particle that is formed by crunching an electron into a proton. Since these strings are scattered over four dimensions of space, but we can see only three dimensions and experience the other dimension as time, we see the strings as particles moving in three dimensions.

In the following diagram strings of matter, whether negative or positive, are seen in red. The checkerboard pattern of the surrounding background space is seen in black. The outside negative and positive sides of the sheet, after charge migration had taken place, became electrons and the positrons of antimatter. The central part of the sheet, where charges were mixed, became quarks and antiquarks.

The like charges of the matter charges are held together, against their mutual repulsion, by some of the energy that was released by the Big Bang. This internal energy in matter is what we refer to as the Mass-Energy Equivalence. It is also described by Einstein's famous formula, E = MC squared, which basically means that a little bit of matter contains a tremendous amount of energy. Other energy from the Big Bang went into throwing the matter out across space, and some of it we can still detect as radiation from the Big Bang.

We know that there must be more than three dimensions of space because we should be able to pinpoint the direction of the Big Bang if we lived in three dimensions. But we can't. The radiation from the Big Bang seems to be coming at us equally from all directions. Since we are moving away from the Big Bang in time, that means time must be a dimension of space.

One thing that this sheet model of the Big Bang has going for it, aside from explaining why the Big Bang happened, is that it explains why we see more matter than antimatter. It would be the lowest information state for the two to exist in equal amounts and quantum processes, such as pair production, always produce equal amounts of matter and antimatter.

There actually are equal amounts of the two. Just as with the sheet, one side of the universe is matter and the other is antimatter. We perceive the Big Bang as in the past in time but time is really the fourth dimension of space. If we could travel into that dimension, past the site of the Big Bang, we would find a universe like ours but made of antimatter.

Another mystery that it explains, and that proves it is correct, is the spin of neutrinos as they move through space. Neutrinos spin to their left, relative to the direction of travel, while antineutrinos, the antimatter version of the neutrino, spins to it's right. This is from the two dimensional sheet after charge migration had taken place, because it cannot otherwise be explained.

Face your palms toward each other and curl the fingers of both hands. The fingers of one hand curl to the left and the other to the right. That is because the two sides of the two dimensional sheet that came into contact approached each other from opposite directions.

We can see that matter began with this two dimensional sheet by simple geometry. The only geometric forms in one dimension are a point and a line. In two dimensions there are forms like circles and polygons such as squares, rectangles and, triangles. But notice that there are no new forms in three dimensions that are not based on a two dimensional form, such as a cube being based on a square.

But if the Big Bang can happen once, you may wonder why it couldn't happen again. Maybe it does. If a string, such as an electron, should break, due to some traumatic event such as a supernova or collision between massive objects, it would create a charge imbalance in space that could start a sheet of this same kind of charge replication and migration, until the negative side came in contact with the positive side. This would create the mini replication of the Big Bang that we call Gamma Ray Bursts.

The collapse of a massive star, or the collision between two neutron stars or a neutron star and a black hole, can cause a Gamma Ray Burst. But yet the collision between two black holes does not seem to cause a Gamma Ray Burst. This confirms my theory of both black holes and Gamma Ray Bursts. Black holes are "pure" matter where the very structures of matter, including the strings themselves, have been broken down by the extreme gravity so that there are no strings that can break.

These are by far the most powerful explosions in the universe, and occur on a regular basis across the universe, but are, as of yet, unexplained.


The entire universe, both space and matter, consist of near-infinitesimal electric charges. There is a very short distance called "Planck's Length" that shows up in physics formulas. That is because it is the scale of electric charges. Space is a multi-dimensional checkerboard of alternating negative and positive charges and the charged particles composing matter are like charges, whether positive or negative, held together against their mutual repulsion by energy.

Electromagnetic waves are so called because they disturb the underlying charge balance of space. Energy always goes to oppose one of the basic rules of electric charges. If it opposes the mutual repulsion of like charges we get matter. If it opposes the mutual attraction of opposite charges we get electromagnetic radiation. Nuclear and antimatter reactions are taking energy opposing like charge repulsion in matter and turning it into opposing opposite charge attraction in space. That is why they produce so much electromagnetic radiation.

I see electric charges as oblong bits of information, being defined as positive or negative according to how they are aligned relative to each other. One direction is positive and the other negative, just like building blocks or the brick pattern below in the image from Google Street View. Two building blocks with the same alignment naturally resist being put together, as this would be a higher information state, and attract one with the opposite alignment.

You can see in the diagram below that, if charges aligned in the same direction can be held together by energy, they would form a string, and that is where our strings of matter come from. If matter and antimatter is reacted together their charges rearrange into the alternating checkerboard of empty space and the energy that was holding like charges together, against their mutual repulsion, is released as radiation, but negative charges remain negative and positive remain positive.

There is one place in the universe where electric charges can be manipulated into the opposite charge. That is inside black holes. This is why a black hole releases radiation, called Hawking Radiation, and eventually evaporates, although it may take billions of years. The charges are going back to the arrangement of empty space, and the energy that held them together is being released as radiation.

So-called "gravity waves", caused by extreme collisions such as between two black holes, are misnamed. What happens is that it actually tears the checkerboard fabric of space, which creates a disturbance as the charges come back together. This does not happen with collisions of ordinary matter because atoms are actually mostly empty space, while a black hole is pure matter.



This concept of the two dimensional sheet of space forming with it's arrangement of charges aligned at 45 degrees to that of the background space neatly explains what is called Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. The lightest atoms are hydrogen and it would seem logical that these would be the first atoms. But about 25% of the original atoms were helium, the next heaviest element, with traces of the next two elements.

But this figure of 25% is information, and information has to come from somewhere. Notice that, if the sheet folded in one direction as described above, it would enclose 25% of the surrounding background space.


A positively charged proton and a negatively charged electron move toward each other by opposite charge attraction to form an atom. But the two do not continue until they crash together. What happens is that the two stop at a certain distance from each other and the electron goes into an orbital around the proton to form a hydrogen atom.

But if the two have opposite charges, and opposite charges attract, then why don't they continue until they crash together? Why do they stop with a certain distance still between them?

My cosmology theory explains it as space being composed of the checkerboard of alternating negative and positive electric charges. In the following diagram the positive proton is blue and the negative electron is green. The proton is much larger than the electron, although the charges on the two are opposite but equal. The individual charges of space are displaced, negative charges toward the proton and positive charges toward the electron. This displacement is energy and, when this reaches an equilibrium with the attraction between the proton and electron, the two stop moving toward each other and the electron goes into orbital at a distance around the proton.

This equilibrium depends on the proton being much larger so that more electric charges are between the two. If the proton were the same size as the electron, as the positron of antimatter is, the two will continue together until they mutually annihilate because there will not be enough space that is directly between them.


A basic presumption of science is that we have an unbiased view of the world around us, and we can completely rely on our measurements and observations. My theory is that we do not have an unbiased view of the universe. We are part of the universe and see it as we do not only because of what it is but also because of what we are. This may not make a difference in other sciences but it does make a difference in cosmology and Quantum Physics, which is about the very nature of the universe.

We can only see and move in three of the four spatial dimensions, the other we perceive as time. In the following diagram, if the bundle of strings comprising our bodies and brains is represented by line A, our consciousnesses is moving in the direction of the red arrow at what we perceive as the speed of light. The dashed red line represents the present, and the three dimensions that we can see in it. 

If a bundle of strings, represented by line B, is aligned parallel to ours we will see it as an object at rest. But since we see in only three dimensions it will appear as an object, such as a sphere, C. A bundle of strings aligned like D will appear as an object moving toward us and E like an object moving away from us. 

The greater the angle the faster it will appear to be moving, at a right angle it will appear to be moving at the speed of light. Electromagnetic radiation, F, is only transmitted or received at right angles to the strings which is why it appears to be moving at the speed of light.

We can prove this with ordinary trigonometry. It is known that an object moving with twice the velocity will impact with four times the force. In this theory an object is represented by a straight level line if it is at rest and a diagonal line if it is moving, like the base and diagonal of a right triangle. The secant, the inverse of the cosine, is the function that shows how much the length of the hypotenuse increases, relative to the base. The secant of 1 degree is 1.0001523. The secant of 2 degrees is 1.00060954. When the angle, which represents velocity, is doubled the increase in length, which represents mass or impact force, is multiplied by four. This only applies at low angles or velocities and not those approaching the speed of light.

But why would velocity, which is a one dimensional line, operate by the Inverse Square Law when a square requires two dimensions? It is because, as shown in the diagram above, velocity is really an angle and the square is because of the area under the line at the angle. Why should there be squares in so many physics formulas that involve only one dimensional movement or change? Because there is another dimension of space that we can't see but perceive as time.

So many basic physics formulas have the form A = BC, including formula for electricity and acceleration. That is because there are only three factors, the number of strings that are bent, the angle at which they are bent and, the force required to bend them.

I call this "The Theory Of Stationary Space" because everything in the inanimate universe has already happened, instantly after the Big Bang. Our consciousnesses are just moving through it. The only "new" movement in the universe is that caused by living things. Why is it impossible for us to build a perpetual motion machine but the earth has been rotating for billions of years? It is because the earth is not really rotating, it is a bundle of strings wrapped around each other.

Why do larger planets rotate much faster than smaller planets, which seems to violate the basic rules of mechanics? It is because the planets, in four dimensions, are actually strings twisted around each other and the strings must bend at a sharper angle, which we see as velocity, to wrap around a larger planet.


The speed of light doesn't really exist outside of us, it is just the movement of our consciousness along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains. This can be shown in Quantum Physics, by how information moves between two entangled photons instantaneously, no matter how far apart they are, without any sign of being bound by the speed of light.

But then why are we said to be looking backward in time when we look out into space, supposedly due to the speed of light, so that, if we look at an object ten light years away, we are seeing it as it was ten years in the past and, if we can build telescopes powerful enough, we could see back toward the beginning of the universe.

Remember that the two dimensional sheet of space from which matter formed was aligned at a 45 degree angle to the alignment of charges in the background space, and that angle is still with us. Electromagnetic radiation follows the alignment of the charges in space. As shown by the blue arrow in the following diagram, when we look out into space we are actually looking at a 45 degree angle. So we are actually looking into the past. When we transmit electromagnetic radiation we are actually transmitting at 45 degrees into our future direction, as shown by the green arrow.


This 45 degree angle reception and transmission of electromagnetic radiation explains why there is a delay if, for example, we bounce a radio or radar signal off the moon. It may seem nonsensical to say that there is no speed of light because the signal takes about three seconds to get to the moon and back, which is just what we would expect with what we consider as the speed of light. But the following diagram shows what is really happening.

The bottom line is the bundles of strings comprising the earth, and our bodies and brains. The upper line is the bundles of strings comprising the moon. Both seen in four dimensions, of course. The movement of our consciousness, at what we perceive as the speed of light, is indicated by the red arrow.

Remember, as seen in the diagram above, that we receive electromagnetic radiation at an angle 45 degrees into our past and send it 45 degrees into our future, although in no way can we perceive this. From Point A we send the signal to the moon. It is instantaneously received back at Point B. But it takes our consciousness three seconds to get from Point A to Point B, and that is what we perceive as the speed of light.


One of the basic laws of physics, established by Sir Isaac Newton, is that for every action there must be an equal, but opposite, reaction. This is rooted in the cosmology of the universe. The centerline of matter in the universe, which began with the fold in the two dimensional sheet described above, must be maintained as it cannot be changed by shifting within. It is line A in the diagram below. The red arrow indicates the movement of our consciousness. If there is an action, indicated by the bend in line B then, to maintain the balance, there must be an opposite bend in line C.

Another of Newton's Laws, that an object at rest remains at rest and an object in motion remains in motion until acted on by an outside force, is also explained by bundles of strings being straight lines until bent.


Has anyone ever looked at a radio tower and wondered how the one dimensional movement of electrons up and down in the antenna can produce a two dimensional wave? We know that an electromagnetic wave is two dimensional because it can be described with two elements, wavelength and amplitude. It's impossible unless there is a dimension of space that we cannot see.


Something that ordinary chemistry cannot explain is that, if we take a tough and flexible sheet of rubber and cool it to near absolute zero, it will shatter like glass at the slightest impact. But what if atoms are really bundles of strings in four dimensions, as described in my cosmology theory? Heat is perceived as atoms bumping into each other. But in four dimensions it would really be strings wrapped around each other. This would hold the sheet of rubber together, as shown at top in the following diagram. But absolute zero is the coldest possible temperature because it is where all such motion stops. There would thus be nothing to hold the sheet of rubber together, as shown at bottom in the following diagram.


Einstein's famous formula, E = MC squared, means that the internal energy in matter equals the mass multiplied by the speed of light, squared. This internal energy, in my cosmology theory, is the energy that holds like charges together, against their mutual repulsion, to form matter. This is why matter tends to consist of electrically charged particles, such as protons and electrons. We also refer to this energy as the Mass Energy Equivalence.

But suppose that the nucleus of a fissionable atom, A in the following diagram, is split by a high-speed neutron, at point B. The positive charges of the nucleus, no longer being held together, would try to get away from each other by the shortest possible route, C and D, since like charges repel. Since these are really bundles of strings that would be right angles in opposite directions. 

Since we perceive such a right angle as the speed of light, that accounts for one of the speeds of light in Einstein's formula. The other speed of light is the movement of our consciousness, indicated by the red arrow in the following diagram.


But if the speed of light is just an angle then why is it so inaccessible to us? Why can't we build a spacecraft that could fly at the speed of light? For that matter why can't a baseball player hit the ball at the speed of light?

As illustrated in the following diagram everything we do has a time element in it. Velocity is represented by an angle, with a horizontal line being an object at rest and a vertical line being an object at the speed of light. The angle at which the baseball player can hit the ball is a vector between his own time momentum, at what we perceive as the speed of light, and the perpendicular force applied to the ball.

The direction of our consciousness is shown by the red arrow. The baseball player's time momentum is represented by the large arrow and the perpendicular force applied to the baseball is represented by the small arrow. Since the angle representing the velocity of the baseball is a vector of the two arrows, the baseball (dashed line) falls far short of the speed of light, which would be a right angle.

Any vehicles that we build are powered by chemical or physical processes that also have a time element, making the speed of light impossible. Fission or electromagnetic radiation is able to achieve the speed of light, in the above example, because there is no time element involved.


Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity is about the speed of light being absolutely sacrosanct, and mass, time and, length revolving around it. An object moving at the speed of light would have time stop, the length of the object become infinitesimal and, it's mass become infinite.

Although the theory has been abundantly verified it cannot be literally true. Cosmic Ray particles move at, or near, the speed of light, meaning that they should have infinite or near-infinite mass. Since gravity is proportional to mass a single Cosmic Ray particle should be able to wrap the whole earth around it by it's gravity, but yet clearly it doesn't. The fission products in a nuclear reaction or explosion also move at the speed of light, as described by E = MC squared, but they don't tear the earth apart by their gravity.

I find it significant that this theory was introduced in 1905, before nuclear fission had been achieved or it was known that Cosmic Rays are actually particles. The theory is actually what I call a "with us" theory, describing how things would appear to us rather than the way they actually are without us.

A basic presumption of science is that we have an unbiased view of the world around us, that we can completely rely on our measurements and observations. My theory is that we do not have an unbiased view, we are part of the universe and see it as we do not only because of what it is but also because of what we are. So many otherwise unexplainable things then fall into place.

The line at bottom in the following diagram represents the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains at rest. The red arrow represents the direction of our consciousness, at what we perceive as the speed of light. Acceleration of objects to ever higher speeds is represented by lines A and B. Line C represents the speed of light. It is the maximum possible speed to us because a right angle is the maximum possible angle.

The green segments are equal distances along each line, and shows what is really happening in the Special Theory of Relativity. As the segments are at an increasing angle to us their length, and thus their mass and time, are concentrated in a shorter and shorter length. At the speed of light, the right angle, the future mass and time of the line are concentrated at a single point, from the point of view of the line at bottom. Thus it's mass appears as infinite, while it's time stops and it's length becomes infinitesimal.


One thing that is completely different about the relatively new science of Quantum Physics is that the observation is a vital part of any interaction. If a quantum interaction is being observed it makes all the difference, relative to if it is not being observed. A well known example is the Two Slit Experiment.

There is a simple explanation for this phenomenon but it requires seeing electrons as one-dimensional strings, as they are in four dimensions, rather than the particles as conventionally portrayed. The only way that we can see or receive electromagnetic waves is by their interaction with electrons.

As shown in the following diagram, waves are two-dimensional while an electron is one-dimensional. We know that an electromagnetic wave is two dimensional because it has two pieces of information, the wavelength and the amplitude. We can also see how an electromagnetic wave is two dimensional in that a higher frequency (shorter wavelength) wave will push electrons with more force but will not push any more electrons. A brighter light, but at the same frequency, will push more electrons but not with any more force. 

Yet another way we can see that electromagnetic waves are two dimensional is that their angle of vibration can be polarized, like the hands on a clock. We perceive light as filling three dimensional space because our eyes are so much larger than the wavelength of light.

The reason that observation is such a vital part of Quantum Physics is that it is necessary for the electron to absorb one dimension of the wave. This is the only way that we can observe the interaction. That changes the interaction. The remaining one dimension of the wave is like a particle of light, which we refer to as a photon. 

That is why light is said to have both a wave and a particle nature. One dimension of the wave can be absorbed by an electron, which is the only way that we can observe it. The following diagram shows the two dimensional wave at top and the one dimensional electron string at bottom.


If a photon is split by a crystal the two resulting photons share the same quantum state. Any change in one of the photons is immediately reflected in the other. The two photons are said to be entangled. The information moves instantaneously between the two, no matter how far apart they are, showing that there really is no speed of light.

Scientists can detect no information moving between the entangled photons, but yet somehow it must. Remember that, in my cosmology theory, time is really the fourth dimension of space. The following diagram shows how, at the present represented by the dashed red line, the two entangled photons are still linked in the past direction at point A, where they were split by the crystal. The arrow shows the direction of time.


The Fine Structure Constant is 1/137. This fraction describes the interaction of electromagnetic radiation and matter. When a photon encounters an atom it has exactly one chance in 137 of being absorbed by it. 

This is explained simply in the following diagram. The circle is the string, in four dimensions, of an outer electron in an orbital in an atom. The photon must meet it exactly perpendicular to be absorbed, represented by the green arrow. If it meets the electron at any kind of an angle it will bounce off, represented by the red arrows. It is like bouncing a ball off a cylindrical structure so that it bounces directly back to you. But it only makes sense if electrons are really strings.


If we get an electron moving, and then change the direction in which it is moving, energy is released as radiation when the direction changes. But energy is not released when we get the electron moving to begin with. When a particle is moving there is energy in the motion and, if the particle is slowed or stopped, the energy is released as radiation. This is known as "braking radiation". 

What happens with the electron is described in the following diagram. At point 1 we get the electron moving. At point 2 we change it's direction, where the energy is released as radiation. This is explained by the right triangle. The dimensions of space form right angles. We change the direction from A to B. But C, the diagonal of the triangle, is a shorter route than AB. So the excess energy is released as radiation.


This is an apple. The part of the brain that stores memory and knowledge is no bigger than this apple. Think of all the memories and knowledge that a mature person has. How does the brain store it all? For something of the scale of this apple to store all of that knowledge and memory is absolutely impossible. But if this cosmology theory is correct it means that the brain has a whole other dimension to it. We are confined to the present but can access the past electrically through memory.


Energy holds like charges of matter together, against their mutual repulsion, so that the particles that compose matter, such as electrons, tend to have an electric charge. But how much energy does it take to hold like charges together?

Something in a newspaper article caught my attention. The article was about President Obama's nuclear deal with Iran (New York Times September 8, 2015). The article stated that, when the first nuclear bomb was tested in New Mexico, only a fifth of the atoms of plutonium in the critical mass underwent fission (splitting) before the mass blasted itself apart, causing the chain reaction to cease.

This is what I call the "Fifth Of Matter" and it explains a lot about the electric charges in matter.

There is energy in the interfaces between the opposite charges in empty space. But clearly there must be more energy in the interfaces between the like charges within matter. Since there is not a lot of information at the level of individual electric charges, I figured it would likely be a low whole number times as much energy in the interfaces between like charges.

The charged particles of matter are held together by energy overcoming the mutual repulsion between their like charges. But it is the mutual attraction between opposite charges that holds the atom together, such as between protons and electrons. The following diagram shows what is happening. 2 / 5 of the interfaces between charges in a fissionable mass are between like charges. But these each each have three times as much energy as the interfaces between opposite charges. This includes the opposite charge bonds holding each atom together, as well as the metallic bonds holding the entire mass together.

This shows that 2 / 3 of the energy in the interfaces between electric charges in the fissionable mass is between like charges, even though only 2 / 5 of the interfaces are between like charges. This means that one of the fifths between like charges has as much energy as the 3 / 5 between opposite charges.

This is why, when 1 / 5 of the atoms have been split, the energy that has been released exceeds that of the energy holding the mass together, and the mass is blasted apart.

Special Relativity has an object moving at a significant portion of the speed of light undergoing length foreshortening, as explained in section 16). The trigonometric function that would describe this foreshortening is the cosine, the ratio of the base over the hypotenuse. The relativistic foreshortening ratio at half the speed of light is .866. The cosine of 30 degrees is also .866. The reciprocal of .866 is 1.15, which is the increase in relativistic mass at half the speed of light. But in this theory the speed of light is really a 90 degree angle so 45 degrees should represent half the speed of light. 

What is happening is that one-third of the energy in matter "doesn't count" because the interfaces between opposite charges are there in empty space anyway. Relativistic foreshortening of matter applies only to the energy holding like charges together so the foreshortening at half the speed of light is equal to the cosine of 30 degrees, rather than 45 degrees.


I decided to put this section last because it is just a little bit complicated.

Possibly the greatest mystery anywhere is why so much about subatomic particles revolves around threes and thirds. This is information and it must come from somewhere.

Three quarks make up a hadron, a proton or neutron, which forms the nucleus of the atom. There are three generations of quarks, although only the first generation is vitally important to the ordinary matter of the universe. Electric charges in the first generation of quarks are in thirds. An up quark has a charge of +2/3 and a down quark has a charge of -1/3. Two up quarks and a down quark make up a proton, with an overall charge of +1. Two down quarks and an up quark make a neutron, with an overall charge of zero. In the theory of Quantum Chromodynamics, which describes how quarks operate, quarks come in three "colors".

The threes continue with leptons, which is the class of particles that electrons belong to. There are three generations of electrons although, as with quarks, only the first generation is important to ordinary matter. There are also three generations of neutrinos. The difference between generations in quarks and leptons is mass, but not electric charge. The first generation is the lightest, the second is heavier, and the third heavier still.

This cosmology theory has a simple explanation of this mystery of threes. In our familiar space there are two opposite directions in each of the three dimensions. We might refer to these as up and down, left and right and, back and front. But there is nothing written in stone that there has to be two opposite directions per dimension. There are two directions because space is composed of two electric charges, which act as two points of information. From any given point in space on one side is a positive charge and the other a negative, so there must be these two opposite directions per dimension.

The two rules that describes the operation of these electric charges are 1) opposite charges attract and 2) like charges repel. In this theory matter is formed by energy overcoming the mutual repulsion between like charges so that the charges can be grouped together into charged particles, such as electrons and quarks. As described above this energy is what gives the matter it's mass and is called the Mass Energy Equivalence. Upon a matter-antimatter reaction the energy is released and the charges rearrange into the checkerboard pattern of negative and positive charges that comprise empty space. In a nuclear reaction only a few percent of the mass is turned into energy.

But this overcoming of one of the rules of electric charges, but not the other, creates more "freedom" of movement. It also creates a higher information state, due to the imbalance, and the information must be somehow manifested. The one remaining rule of electric charges stands out, because there is nothing to balance it.

What it does is create a third opposite direction per dimension. There are still the same number of dimensions but with three opposite directions each, rather than two. The two electric charges, and the one unbalanced rule that goes with them, means three basic points of information, and so this must be reflected in three opposite directions per dimension.

Another way to think of it is in terms of the basic forces of nature. The earth is sensitive only to gravity. Since gravity is a purely attractive force if the earth could think it would see only one direction per dimension, the direction of gravitational pull. We are sensitive to both gravity and electromagnetism so we see two directions per dimension. The nucleus of an atom is also sensitive to the strong nuclear force so it sees three directions per dimension. Each basic force is a point of information.

This only applies for actually inside subatomic particles, quarks and electrons. The inside of an atom is mostly empty space and when dealing with the orbitals of electrons, for example, we are still dealing with space and there are still only two opposite directions per dimension.

We receive all of our information about quantum physics by electromagnetic radiation, and it's effect on electrons. But if we could get actually inside subatomic particles electromagnetic radiation would cease to be a factor. There would only be the direct effect of electric charges. 

Electromagnetic radiation is charge-neutral. This means that if an electromagnetic wave is formed by a moving electric charge, the wave would be the same whether the moving charge was positive or negative. But the direct effect of electric charges is not charge-neutral. We are dependent on the effect on electrons, in our eyes and equipment, for information. Electrons are negatively charged and, since the mutual repulsion between like charges has been overcome by energy, are affected more by positive charges inside the charged particles that compose matter.

We cannot actually get inside the charged particles and are dependent on space so we, and our equipment, can see only two of the three dimensions. Being dependent on negatively charged electrons, our vision will favor positive charges.

This is why there are three generations of electrons, quarks and, neutrinos, but all we usually perceive is the first generation. Although we can detect the other two generations of each.

This is why the up and down quarks are seen as having electric charges of +2/3 and -1/3. We can only ever see through two of the three directions per dimension, since we have to see through space, and positive charges are favored, since we can only "see" with negatively charged electrons.

This is why there are three "colors" of quarks in the well-established theory of Quantum Chromodynamics. The three "colors" of the quarks, and the gluons that they exchange, must balance out to zero. The three "colors" are actually three directions along which the quark and gluon can be aligned.

Since there are three directions per dimension, with regard to quarks, and we can only see two of those directions, this is why the system of Quantum Chromodynamics appears to be relatively simple but ends up being so complicated that it is very difficult to use.

The following diagram shows, on the right, from Point A there has to be two directions in the up and down dimension because one direction begins with a positive charge and the other a negative charge. On the left, if we were actually inside a subatomic particle, such as a quark or electron, there would be three opposite directions per dimension.

Although I call this my cosmology theory, which means the macroscopic universe, it is just as much about explaining the mysteries of the quantum level, all with the same simple model.

This concept of electron dependency provides a simple explanation for the mystery of dark matter. We know it must be there because of it's gravitational effect although we cannot see it or otherwise detect it. But again we have this attitude that we have an unbiased view of the universe. The truth is that we are utterly dependent on electrons for information about the universe, and electrons have a "whole" electric charge. We cannot detect anything that doesn't have a matching "whole" electric charge. It is somewhat like tuning in to a radio station. This also explains why we have never detected quarks, which have fractional charges, outside the nucleus.

If the overcoming of the repulsive electric force between like charges by energy creates matter, and in doing so creates a third direction per dimension of space, then what happens when the opposite occurs and the energy overcomes the attraction of opposite charges? This is what produces electromagnetic radiation. It doesn't create another direction per dimension. But it does create more "freedom of movement". It causes space to expand, since the attraction of opposite charges is what is holding the fabric of space together. This is a simple explanation for the "dark energy" that is causing the universe to expand but cannot be explained. It is actually light, and other electromagnetic radiation.

We can also see why matter has mass but electromagnetic radiation doesn't. Matter consists of one dimensional strings while radiation is two dimensional. The mass of matter has been exchanged for the second dimension. But this only makes sense if matter is indeed one dimensional strings.

I was going to illustrate the cosmology theory with diagrams, and then decided to also write this abbreviated version of the theory with the diagrams. You can see that this model of the universe explains so many things for which there is otherwise no explanation.

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