Thursday, January 25, 2024

Missiles From Iran

Come on. This missile exchange between Iran and Pakistan was completely staged. Remember what we saw in "Inducing The Apocalypse", December 2023. Iran's brand of Shiite Islam is apocalyptic, meaning that it is awaiting a messianic figure and the End of the World.

The purpose was to alarm Israel and the world and possibly help to induce the emergence of the Antichrist, who will appear to have all of the answers to everything.

Iran also fired missiles at targets in Iraq and Syria. In the image above, from Google Earth, missiles were launched from Iran's Khuzestan province, shown by the green dot, at a target in northwest Syria, shown by the white dot. This shows that the missiles could have also reached Jerusalem, shown by the red dot, or Tel Aviv, shown by the purple dot.

Iran could have launched the missiles from further north, so that there would be less distance to the target in Syria, but it obviously chose to launch from Khuzestan province in order to demonstrate the range of the missiles. This made it just about exactly the same distance if the missiles had been launched at Israel.

The missiles exchanged between Iran and Pakistan, both supposedly at militants operating in the border area and not at each other's citizens, were also part of the show. After initial apparent outrage on both sides, the two countries were back to being friends the next day.

Nothing would make less sense than a war between Iran and Pakistan. The two countries are focused, in military terms, in opposite directions. Pakistan is focused on India, to the east, and Iran is focused on the Middle East, to the west.

Iran and Pakistan share a long border but the area is sparsely populated. Iran has a lot of oil but it is in the western part of the country, far away from Pakistan.

More than forty years ago Iran conducted one of the most brilliant air raids ever. During the Iran-Iraq War it attacked the air base on the far side of Iraq, known as H3. We saw this in the compound posting "Investigations", December 2018, section 2) THE REAL STORY OF OSIRAK.

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