Monday, January 1, 2024

New Year's Resolution

In 2024 I am going to strive to focus on God more than ever before because this is what really matters.

The very best that this world has to offer is really just tinsel. This life will be over before we know it. This whole generation will someday be ancient history. The things that seem so important today will someday be ancient dust.

A hundred years from now, with very few exceptions, you will be completely gone and forgotten. Probably no one will even know that you ever lived. How many people can you name that were alive in the 1920s?

When you meet God your position in the world, how much money you had, how popular you were, which country you were part of, and how attractive you were, will all mean absolutely nothing.

Don't put your faith in the world. The world is heading toward the Apocalypse. If it was moving in the right direction, it wouldn't be moving toward the Apocalypse. This whole pre-apocalyptic era in which we live will go down in eternal history as a disaster because it couldn't follow the Word of God.

This era will be remembered as doing wonderful things like global social media, exploring space, and discovering things that past generations couldn't even imagine, yet still ending in the worst catastrophe in human history because it couldn't follow the Word of God.

Look at these wars and crazy things like mass shootings. God gave us everything we need to build a paradise on earth and this is what we do with it. 

We are destroying this planet. 2023 was the hottest known year ever. What we have done to these animals is terrible. There are believed to be only about a third of the total animals in the wild that there were fifty years ago.

Let's start 2024 by really following God and asking Him to guide us. Happy New Year.

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