Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Universe Made Really Simple

Progress has recently been made toward the discovery of the so-called Higgs Boson. This is the long-sought particle that supposedly imparts mass to all other matter. My theory, however, is neutral toward the Higgs Boson. It is not a requirement in my theory, nor is my theory threatened if the Higgs Boson is discovered.

Today I would like to summarize my cosmological theory, which I originally named "The Theory Of Stationary Space". Just read on and see for yourself how so many of the unexplained mysteries of the universe, from the cosmic scale right down to the quantum scale, just fall right into place if we accept this simple model of the underlying structure of the universe.

The basics of my theory is that matter consists of strings in space that are aligned in mostly the same direction, but are not quite parallel to one another. These strings of matter were thrown across four dimensions of space by the Big Bang, which began the universe. The background space consists of infinitesimal alternating negative and positive charges.

Thats it, the fundamentals of the theory. But watch how everything falls into place around this simple model. There is a principle in physics, known as Occam's Razor, which states that the simplest explanation for something usually turns out to be the best explanation. Of course, you can read about the theory in much more detail on the cosmology blog, . The entire blog is about this theory.

The greatest mystery of the universe concerns time. What exactly is time, from a physics point of view? I could not find an answer to that anywhere. I decided to find the answer for myself, and that is how I first thought of this model of the universe. How about the speed of light? We know what it is and can measure it with great precision. But why is the speed of light what it is, and not some other speed? That is what no one could answer.

But this model of the universe makes it nice and simple. Our consciousness is moving along the bundles of strings, which compose our bodies and brains, at a rate which we perceive as the speed of light. That explains why we cannot find any physical explanation of what time is, it is within ourselves as the movement of our consciousness.

The direction in space along which the strings of matter are primarily aligned is the one of the four dimensions that we perceive as time, the other three we experience as space. This is why we perceive the fundamental building blocks of matter as particles, such as electrons, rather than strings. We can only see at right angles to the present position of our consciousness as it moves along the bundles of strings composing our bodies and brains. To see more than this would be to see backwards or forwards in time.

This is also why the speed of light seems to us to be the maximum possible velocity in the universe. The inanimate matter that we see is really at rest, unless we move it. We perceive bundles of strings as objects in motion if the bundles of strings are not perfectly parallel to one another.

The next answers that unfold around this model of the structure of the universe is the why of both Newton's laws of motion and Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity.

Newton's law that an action will result in an equal and opposite reaction is simply stating that the center line of the mass of strings that was thrown across the universe by the Big Bang must remain constant, and this necessitates that any action result in an equal and opposite reaction.

Newton's law is that an object at rest will remain at rest, and an object in motion will remain in motion, until acted upon by an outside force. This is easily explained if we remember that, in my theory, matter consists of bundles of strings. If a bundle of strings is exactly parallel to the bundle of strings composing our bodies and brains, then it will appear to us to be an object at rest. If it is not perfectly parallel to us, it will appear as an object in motion. Any non-accelerating object is simply a straight bundle of strings. When an object appears to us to be either accelerating or decelerating, it means that it is being bent by a force. For more details, see "Momentum And Strings" on the cosmology blog.

These strings also explain why most of the formulae of basic physics are of three parts, with the form A = BC. Examples are Force = Mass x acceleration, D = VT or distance equals velocity multiplied by time, Ohm's Law of I = E/R or electric current equals volatge divided by resistance, K = 1/2 MV squared or the kinetic energy of an object equals one half the mass multiplied by the velocity squared, and Einstein's famous E = MC squared are some examples. This is because all such formulae really involve the bending of bundles of strings that I am describing here. There are only three factors involved: The force bending the strings, the number of strings that are bent and, the angle that those strings are bent. That is why all of these formulae of basic physics have three parts.

Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity describes how all frames of reference revolve around the speed of light. My simple model of the universe explains why this is the case. The speed of light is only something that we perceive, it is the rate of movement of our consciousness along the bundle of strings composing our bodies and brains. This is why it appears to us as the maximum possible speed.

Einstein explained that an object would get more and more massive as it approached the speed of light, until it's mass became infinite when it reached that speed. But why on earth would the speed of an object have anything to do with it's mass? My theory has a simple explanation. An object that we perceive as moving at the speed of light, the apparently maximum possible velocity, is simply a bundle of strings that is aligned at a right angle to our bundle of strings. This means that we would experience the entire mass of the object, which is strings stretched across the universe, as concentrated at one point. If the bundle of strings of the object is parallel to us, in contrast, we would only experience the mass of one crosss-section of the bundle at any one time. Can you see how simple this is?

While on the topic of mass, we can see how my theory does not require anything like the Higgs Boson to explain why matter has mass. It has mass, while space doesn't, because matter consists of strings and when we move any string or bundle of strings, we are also moving it far into the future dimension of space that we perceive as time. But with space, this is not the case since space consists simply of alternating infinitesimal positive and negative electric charges. So, we see why matter has mass and space doesn't, even though both matter and space ultimately consist of the same negative and positive charges. There is energy in all mass, which overcame the mutual repulsion of like charges necessary to being matter into being, and this is why energy and mass are known to be equivalent.

The universe is composed of a near infinity of equal but opposite negative and positive electric charges. The rules are that opposite charges attract, while like charges repel. Energy ultimately overcomes one or the other of these basic rules. If the two electric charges are equal, then the two basic rules must also be equal. This means that, if the mutual repulsion of like charges is overcome by energy more than the attraction of opposite charges, it must leave a net attractive force between matter in the universe, and this is what we perceive as gravity. If the mutual attraction of opposite charges is overcome by energy, it leaves a net repulsive force which we see as the energy carried by electromagnetic waves, which are really only the disturbances in the underlying checkerboard pattern of electric charges in empty space.

Einstein also pointed out that time would slow down as an object approached the speed of light, and would not exist at all when the object reached the speed of light. Once again, my theory explains it very simply. Time is only in our consciousness, as the movement of the consciousness along the bundles of strings composing our bodies and brains at what we perceive as the speed of light. So, an object appearing to us as moving at the speed of light would have all of it's time dimension concentrated at one point as it crossed our bundle of strings, which is at a right angle to the object since an object moving at the speed of light is simply a bundle of strings at a right angle to our bundle as our consciousness moves past at what we perceive as the speed of light.

This also explains why, as Einstein pointed out, the length of an object shortens as it approaches the speed of light. It is a matter of simple trigonometry. An object appears at it's maximum length when it's bundle of strings is parallel to ours and shortens as the angle between the two bundles increases, which we perceive as velocity because our consciousness is moving along our bundle of strings at what we perceive as the speed of light.

What about the most famous formula of the Twentieth Century, Einstein's E = MC squared? This formula means that the energy stored in an object is equal to it's mass multiplied by the speed of light, squared. My theory has a simple explanation for this too. If an object, as a bundle of strings parallel to our bundle, would suddenly have it's component strings which we perceive as particles, suddenly fly apart, this would naturally release energy in the form of moving particles. The maximum possible angle is a right angle, but that is also what we perceive as the speed of light if a particle or bundle of strings is at a right angle to our bundle. That is why, if we got the most energy out of matter by having it's component particles (strings) come apart at the maximum possible velocity, which is really an angle, it would involve the speed of light. The speed of light is squared, or multiplied by itself, in the formula because the particles are moving at what we perceive as the speed of light, and our consciousness is also moving at right angles at that speed so that there are two speeds of light involved.

This scenario provides a simple explanation for the mystery of Dark Matter. According to our measurements of the force of gravity and what we know of the mass of the galaxy, the galaxy should fly apart by the centrifugal force of it's rotation. Yet clearly, it doesn't. Scientists have been searching unsuccessfully for some unseen "dark matter", with gravitational mass, for about eighty years to explain why the galaxy does not fly apart by centrifugal force. My thought has always been that it must be due to some missing piece in our understanding of gravity, rather than the presence of unseen matter. This cosmological theory explains it simply as the velocity of our consciousnesses, along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains, affects our perception of gravity, causing us to perceive it as weaker than it really is. This is because the velocity of our consciousness, at what we perceive as the speed of light, causes us to perceive gravity as coming from an angle into our past direction instead of directly perpendicular.

What about memory? How, in physical terms, does a person store the fantastic volume of memories that they have in an object the size of the brain, so that the memories are readily retrievable? The answer is that they don't, it is impossible. But my theory explains it as the brain having another dimension of volume from what we can see. Remember that there are actually four dimensions across which the matter that we are familiar with was thrown across space. One of these dimensions is what we perceive as time because that is the dimension along which the strings of matter of which we are composed are primarily aligned. For more details, see "Memory And Cosmology" on the cosmology blog.

What about the Big Bang which we know began the universe? We can detect it's radiation as coming at us from all directions in space, but we cannot locate the point at which the Big Bang took place. If the universe began at one point and then exploded outward, then why can we not detect where in space that point is? My model of the universe makes it simple and clear, matter consists of strings aligned mostly in one direction in our four dimensions of space. This dimension of space is what we perceive as time, because our consciousness is moving along the strings composing our bodies and brains at what we perceive as the speed of light. We can only see at right angles to our present position on these strings, which is why we can detect the radiation from the Big Bang but not the point at which it took place. That point is in our past dimension. For more detail, see "Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation".

My theory also explains how the Big Bang came about, and why there appears to be an exact balance between the negative and positive charges in the universe. It is because an unbalanced charge will induce an opposite charge and the process will repeat forever. Matter can be explained as such a charge reproduction series which was out of harmony with the original series. For more detail, see "The Beginning Of The Universe".

What about the multitude of particles that physicists can detect which appear for only an instant and then vanish? There are many more dimensions of space than the three, four including time, that we inhabit. We only inhabit these four because of the throw pattern of our strings from the Big Bang. Our matter strings just happened to get thrown across four dimensions, instead of two or twenty. Entire other universes are right next to us that we cannot access because our matter strings do not extend into those dimensions. Since we can only produce force with matter, no force that we can produce can extend into outer dimensions.

Strings that appear to us as particles moving at the speed of light, such as some cosmic rays. are strings that share three of our four dimensions so that they cross our space at right angles to our strings alignment. The matter that we see all around us, the ordinary matter in our universe, is strings that share all four of our dimensions. Particles that physicists detect as appearing for the briefest instant, in one place and then vanishing, are strings that share only one of our four dimensions. Particles that exist briefly, and can move over a short range, are strings that share two of our four dimensions. Such particles can serve as physics exchange particles, or can accomplish such tasks as binding atomic nuclei together. It would only be necessary for the strings composing a nucleus to attach to such a string at some point on it's length across the universe.

Physicists sometimes notice some strange things, such as an electron appearing to jump from one electron orbital in an atom to another without going across the space in between. That is not a problem at all for my theory. Electrons really consist of strings across the universe, and these strings can sometimes break. When physicists detect such a jump in electron orbitals, it just means that, in the progress of our consciousness along the bundles of strings composing our bodies and brains, we have come across a broken electron string with one end in one orbital and the other end in another orbital.

Speaking of electron strings breaking remember that, according to my theory, the first priority of the universe is not the lowest energy state but charge balance. Negative and positive charges must be exactly equal. So, if space consists of alternating and infinitesimal negative and positive charges, and a charged string such as an electron breaks in two or more places in close proximity to one another, charge reproduction will be set in process again as it was in the beginning of the universe. This will result in the creation of new space, but a tremendous explosion will take place when the matter and antimatter sides of this new space come into contact. This explains the fantastic gamma ray bursts, which occur on an average of about once a day across the universe. For more details see "Gamma Ray Bursts".

It is nearly universally accepted that perpetual motion is impossible. Why, then, are rotating planets and planets and moons in orbit seemingly defying this rule? According to my theory, they really aren't. Rotation and revolution of planets and moons are just bundles of strings that wrapped around each other as the universe was formed. It is our consciousness that is moving along the bundles of strings composing our bodies and brains, causing us to perceive such rotation and revolution which would violate the prohibition against perpetual motion. For more detail, see "Planetary Revolution And Rotation".

Why do the larger planets in our Solar System generally rotate much faster than the smaller planets? This appears to violate the basic rules of mechanics. But my theory can explain it as a bundle of strings, such as a planet grows, new strings and bundles of strings joining the mass must necessarily bend at more of an angle than the earlier strings when the mass was smaller. Thus, larger planets seem to rotate faster.

Finally, what about cryogenics, the science of extremely low temperatures? Strange things happen at such temperatures. If we take a tough and flexible sheet of rubber, and cool it to near absolute zero which is the lowest possible temperature because all molecular motion stops, it becomes extremely brittle so that it shatters like glass at the slightest impact. This cannot be explained by ordinary chemistry, but is easily explained by my version of string theory. Heat is the movement of atoms and molecules, and as they are moving they are actually strings which wrap around one another. When the rubber is cooled to near absolute zero, the strings are no longer wrapped around one another and the sheet of rubber easily shatters.

This is just a brief description of the theory, there is far more on the cosmology blog, .