Saturday, August 15, 2015

Summary Of Geological Theory of Continental Asteroids And Lines Of Magma Emergence

Following is the major events of the geological scenario in chronological sequence. Here is the map link that I usually use, with the satellite imagery and Google Street View, and which shows the ocean floor details well: .

Basically, the theory which reveals the explanation for so much of the major features of the earth's topography and the seafloor ridges is that the continents on earth came from two Continental Asteroids. Much debris from the second, and larger, of these two continental asteroids was hurtled back into space, where it coalesced by gravity to form the moon. The idea of the moon forming in this way is not new, the asteroid is commonly referred to as "Theia", but my theory expands on it to include the continents as well.

Each of the impacts of the Continental Asteroids unbalanced the earth's rotation, by the addition of the new mass, so that the earth's poles and equator underwent two shifts to regain rotational balance by centering one of the poles in the new additional landmass. The land mass from each continental asteroid was eventually broken up by tectonic activity, driven by the centrifugal force of the earth's rotation. The south pole is today in Antarctica because that was the core of the Second Continental Asteroid. A similar situation is seen on Mars, where the southern hemisphere is higher in elevation and thus heavier, than the northern hemisphere. But this does not upset the rotation of Mars because the south pole is in the center of the heavier hemisphere.

What this means is that there have been three polar eras on earth, with the poles and equator in different places in each era. We are in the third polar era, after the Second Continental Asteroid. The First Polar Era was before the First Continental Asteroid.

The spin of the earth causes magma, hot molten rock, to emerge from below along the equator by centrifugal force. According to the laws of fluid dynamics, this equatorial emergence must then be balanced by periodic longitudinal lines of emergence in a perpendicular direction to the equator. Each time the poles and equator shifts, to regain rotational balance after the added mass of a Continental Asteroid, these lines of magma emergence must also shift, but magma emergence continues along old longitudinal and equatorial lines for a long time. This scenario explains just so much about the topography of the land and seafloor, and leaves few major features of the earth unexplained.

I am just trying to make the theory easier to understand. The list of physical geography here is far from complete, and focuses on the most predominate features.


The north pole was in the Pacific Ocean, west of Midway island. The south pole was on the other side of the globe, in the south Atlantic Ocean to the southwest of southernmost Africa on the inside of the curve of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge as it turns eastward. With no continents on earth, it is logical that one pole would be near the intersection of the three largest tectonic plates on earth, the Pacific, Eurasian and, North American Plates. This is because the rotation of an uneven sphere is better balanced if one of it's poles is in the center of the unbalancing mass.

The islands of Hawaii are to be found in the center of the largest section of the largest tectonic plate, the Pacific Plate. This is the largest and thickest tectonic plate and the magma from below had to break through somewhere, this being the logical location. The volcanoes of Hawaii are still active today. The reason that the Hawaiian Islands, and the seamounts (undersea mountains) extending northwest toward the former north pole are along a line, rather than a point at the center of the Pacific Plate, is that this line was a longitudinal line of magma emergence during this first set of poles, when the north pole was west of Midway island in the Pacific.

This line, extended to the southeast, brings us to the Galapagos Islands, in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Ecuador. The reason that there is so much magma emergence at this location is that it is where the first equator, when the north pole was west of Midway and the south pole was in the south Atlantic, the third or present equator and, this former longitudinal line of magma emergence through the Hawaiian islands which runs between the first set of poles, all intersect.

The present and first equator can be seen as the lines of ridges on the seafloor, which meet at the Galapagos Islands. Also notice that, on opposite sides of the continent of South America, there are magma extrusion mountains that are right on this former longitudinal line of emergence along the line of the Hawaiian Islands. These include Manchu Picchu, in Peru, and Sugarloaf and Rio de Janiero in Brazil. The first equator also shows up clearly on the opposite side of the world, as the Strait of Malacca in Indonesia.

One other prominent line of magma emergence from the era of the first set of poles can be seen today as the Indus Valley of Pakistan. Notice that it points directly toward the first south pole in the south Atlantic Ocean. Remember that, even after the poles shift due to the added mass of a Continental Asteroid, emergence along the former equatorial and longitudinal emergence lines continues for a very long time.

Remember also that, due to the spin of the earth, emergence lines always "try" to form straight lines, even though a former line from a previous polar era should logically be curved in this polar era, and that may cause it to not follow exactly the same route as it's former course. Notice how the coast of east Africa, at Kenya and Somalia, is an uncharacteristically smooth line and follows perfectly this line along the Indus Valley to the first south pole in the south Atlantic Ocean. This is due to the effect of magma emergence along this line.


The First Continental Asteroid, which I believe was likely the smaller of the two, may have been centered around what is now Madagascar. The added mass upset the balance of the earth's rotation and the poles began a slow migration to regain rotational balance, because it represented a lower energy state, by getting the nearest pole to the center of the new mass.

Land which originated with the First Continental Asteroid may be Australia, the West African Craton, Spain, the Arabian-Nubian Shield of the Arabian Peninsula and northeast Africa and, the Deccan Plateau of southern India. The extensive mountains of eastern and southern Africa, which are not volcanic and otherwise difficult to explain, seem to be the bulk of the mass from this First Continental Asteroid. There are three basic types of land on earth, that which originated with the Continental Asteroids, lands of volcanic origin and, seafloor which had been forced upward into dry land by tectonic movement. It is this former seafloor which makes up the majority of land on earth today.

In comparison with the later and larger Second Continental Asteroid, the First Continental Asteroid seems to have landed on earth at a higher angle, which is why the lands which formed from it's remains are more flat. My theory is that, as a general rule, all tectonic collisions between land masses on earth are likely between one piece from the First Continental Asteroid, and one from  the Second Continental Asteroid. All tectonic movement is driven by either the rotation of the earth or the spreading of the seafloor by magma emergence along one of these lines.


The first south pole migrated from it's position in the south Atlantic Ocean to it's new position at what is now the undersea ridge structure around Madagascar, the Mascarene Ridge. The migrating pole left a trail which is very visible today. this trail is the Walvis Ridge, the seafloor ridge from the first south pole which intersects the coast of Africa at the border between Namibia (Southwest Africa) and Angola. The trail then continues across southern Africa, toward what is now Madagascar, as the section of the Great Rift Valley which runs east-west across southern Africa, and forms the borders of Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe on one side and Angola and Zambia, on the other side. In my theory, so-called rift valley and grabens are actually lines of magma emergence.

Meanwhile, the north pole was migrating from it's position to the west of Midway Island, in the Pacific, to it's new position in what is now the Great Basin of the western U.S. It left no migration trail, as the south pole did, simply because the Pacific Tectonic Plate is the largest and thickest of all the plates. But just as the former longitudinal line of emergence between the first set of poles, through the islands of Hawaii, can be clearly seen today, the second set of poles has left us a former longitudinal line of emergence also.

This is what I refer to as "The Cuba-Phoenix Line". The line begins with the Valley of the Sun, a magma emergence valley in which the city of Phoenix is located. The line runs through, and forms, the island of Cuba. The southernmost east-west part of Cuba is part of the boundary of the Caribbean Plate, but why would the bulk of by far the largest island in the Caribbean not be on the plate boundary, where magma emerges, like all of the other Caribbean islands?

Look at how the line of the Red Sea, the Adriatic Sea and, the broad valley across northeastern Spain which hosts the city of Zaragoza all point to the undersea ridge structure around Madagascar, the Mascarene Ridge. This is because these are lines of magma emergence which began as longitudinal lines of emergence when the south pole was there. Activity remained along these lines after the poles shifted to our present polar era. Notice also how the Atlantic seafloor ridges to the west of Spain and Portugal would be ideally situated to be manifestations of the shifting equator around this time.

When the south pole was at this undersea ridge structure around Madagascar, The St. Lawrence Valley, in Quebec, is positioned to have been a longitudinal line of emergence from that era, and which points directly toward the Great Basin, which was the corresponding north pole.

In the shallow water between India's Andaman and Nicobar Islands to the west and Burma and Thailand to the east is a deep trench. What would form this trench in this location? Remember that lines of emergence tend to spread the land apart, creating lower areas, although they tend to form ridges on deep seafloors.

Also remember that additional emergence is to be expected where two lines of emergence intersect. Notice that this deep trench in the shallow water is situated right where the first and second equators would meet. The first equator can be seen in the Malacca Strait, between Sumatra and Borneo, and in the undersea Nazca Ridge running to the southwest off the coast of Peru. The second equator can be seen in the peninsula through the north island of New Zealand through the island of New Caledonia through the long peninsula extending to the southeast from Papua New Guinea.


The core of the new landmass added to the earth by the Second Continental Asteroid is what is now Antarctica. This is why Antarctica is by far the highest continent in average elevation, even though it is a relatively small continent. When it landed, the south pole began a slow and meandering shift to re-balance the earth's rotation by moving toward the center of the new mass.

I believe that the Second Continental Asteroid was larger and impacted the earth at a lower angle than the First Continental Asteroid. The result is that much of the mass of the Second Continental Asteroid is distributed in a line across the world, which has long since been detached by the force of the earth's rotation and drifted far away. This line is what I refer to as "The Original Impact Line". This distribution of mass is comparable to throwing a dry lump of dirt, at a low angle, so that it impacts and then skids across an asphalt or concrete surface. There will be some of the mass at the impact site, a line of mass across the surface, and some of the mass where the line terminates.

The Original Impact line is the line of high and rocky, and otherwise unexplained, mountains extending from Greece, through Turkey and Iran to the high plateau and mountains of central Asia. The Himalayas are so high because the area was already high rocky terrain when India collided with it. The Original Impact Line likely includes the Kolyma mountain Range of Siberia, probably the Canadian Arctic islands and possibly Greenland. I think that the high and rocky land of eastern Brazil could have been a piece of the Original Impact Line which broke off as the rest went past.

The tectonic movement of the Arabian-Nubian Shield, and the continent of Africa, collided with the Original Impact Line and pushed it northward. This dislocation to the north of the portion of the line across Turkey and Iran forced up the seafloor to the north which became the flat steppe of Russia and Ukraine. How else could the Black and Caspian Seas have been separated from the rest of the world's oceans and seas? The Black Sea has a narrow outlet, but the Caspian Sea is completely isolated yet it contains salt water. This really requires some special explanation.


The lines of magma emergence which formed as the equator of the Second Polar Era can be clearly seen as the line of the Po Valley across northern Italy, which continues to the west to form the Balearic Islands and the broad valley across southern Spain and the north of Morocco. But further east, this former equator has been displaced further to the north than it would otherwise be by the high mountainous terrain which extends across most of the eastern hemisphere of the Original Impact Line.

This former equator from the Second Polar Era, when the south pole was at the undersea ridge around what is now Madagascar and the north pole was the Great Basin of the western U.S., extends eastward across the southern Black Sea, through the broad lowland valley through the Caucasus, and then continues eastward to form the deep southern portion of the Caspian Sea.

But then, the former second equator jumps to the opposite side of the mountains and high rocky terrain of the Original Impact Line to form the broad Ganges Plain across northern India. If you follow the line of the Ganges Plain to the northwest, it is easy to see that it continues on the other side of the mountains as a lowland area in Tajikistan. What happened is that the impact and added mass of the Second Continental Asteroid caused the poles to shift to the second polar era. The line of the Original Impact Line, which was part of the Second Continental Asteroid impact, later drifted tectonically over part of the equator of that Second Polar Era. This blocked magma emergence along that equator so a long section of the former equator shifted northward to the opposite side of the Original Impact Line, and that is what we see between the Black and Caspian Seas.

It is easy to see that there are two areas, on opposite sides of the world, with exceptional amounts of magma emergence. These are the Caribbean and Indonesia, and this is because these are the areas where all three equators, including the present third equator, come fairly close together so that magma emergence along equators is multiplied. There are places that I refer to as the "Perpendicular Points On Earth", as described in the supporting document by that name, in which we can see the special effects of concentrated magma emergence where the present and former equators intersect, because the rotation of the earth will cause a high volume of magma emergence along the equator.

The Mid-Atlantic Ridge, the most prominent line of magma emergence in the world today, is actually composed of several fragments of both equatorial and longitudinal lines of emergence from different polar eras. We would expect an equatorial line of emergence to be curving, but remember that lines of emergence always "try" to form a straight line due to the spin of the earth. The portion of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the southern hemisphere is mostly a longitudinal line of magma emergence from the present polar era. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is a major section of what I refer to as the W-line, the line of magma emergence which continues around the south of Africa from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, south of Australia, and finally intersects the coast of North America to form the Sea of Cortez and the broad valleys through California. I call it the W-line because there is a branch of it which extends northward to form the Red Sea, which was also a longitudinal line of emergence in the Second Polar Era.

The Balearic Islands of Spain form where a former longitudinal line of emergence from the Second Polar era, which hosts the city of Zaragoza and points directly toward the former south pole as the undersea ridge structure around Madagascar, as we would expect a line of emergence to, meets the former equator which we see today as the magma emergence which formed the Po Valley. The city of Venice is sinking because it is right at the intersection of that former equator and another former longitudinal line of emergence from the Second Polar Era, that of the Adriatic Sea. The emergence is slowly still going on, enough to make Venice gradually sink.


After the added mass of the Second Continental Asteroid unbalanced the earth's rotation, the planet began another shift on it's axis in an effort to regain rotational balance by getting one of the poles situated in the center of the new mass. The south poles began a migration from the undersea ridge structure around Madagascar eastward across the Indian Ocean, to the area of Australia, before shifting more southward to it's present position in Antarctica, which was the center of the added land mass. At the same time, the north pole was migrating from the Great Basin of the western U.S. across Canada to the present north pole in the Arctic. My reason for believing that Antarctica was the center of the new landmass is that, generally, the larger a continent is, the higher it's average elevation. Antarctica is a relatively small continent but has by far the highest average land elevation of all the continents, being about twice the average elevation of Asia.

Notice that there is a "trail" that was left across the Indian Ocean as a seafloor ridge, just as the Walvis Ridge on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean and the southernmost east-west section of the Great Rift Valley of Africa was such a trail left by the south pole earlier as it migrated from it's original position in the south Atlantic to the undersea ridge structure around Madagascar, which was it's second position. This east-west ridge on the floor of the Indian Ocean extends to the semi-circular ridge structure immediately to the west of Australia, at which place the south pole seems to have made a "temporary" stop. This migration of the south pole around what is now Australia would have "reactivated" part of Hawaii for magma emergence and formed the Oahu Plain across the island of Oahu. This plain is perfectly positioned, and directionally aligned, to have been the equator if the south pole was just south of Australia.

At the same time, the north pole was also making a migration, which would put it by this point at about where Hudson Bay in northern Canada is located. The Foxe Basin, to the north of Hudson Bay, also seems to be the result of a "temporary" halt in pole migration. Remember that these nearly circular ridge structures tend to form where a pole has been located because the longitudinal lines of emergence which form to balance the equatorial emergence, in accordance with the rules of fluid dynamics, converge at the poles.

We can see the remnants of several longitudinal lines of emergence from when the north pole was migrating across Canada. James Bay, in northern Ontario, is one such longitudinal line off Hudson Bay that continues all the way south the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia, formed by glacial ice following the line of emergence. Notice that the Finger Lakes of New York State also follow this line. Lake Champlain, southward along the Hudson River, is another such longitudinal line of emergence. The Ottawa-Bonnechere and Sanguenay Grabens also fit perfectly with being longitudinal lines of emergence from when the north pole was transitioning across Canada to it's present location. Remember that, in my theory, grabens and rift valleys are actually longitudinal lines of emergence. There is no other geological reason for land masses to just "drift" apart to form a "rift valley".

This puts the earth in our present polar era, and longitudinal lines of magma emergence formed to balance the emergence along the equator caused by the centrifugal force of rotation, just as in previous polar eras. A prominent one of these longitudinal lines from the present polar era is the section of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge south of the equator. Notice that this is also in a line with the first south pole, in the south Atlantic Ocean. In fact, the first south pole is where the Mid-Atlantic Ridge curves eastward and extends to the south of Africa. Notice also that a similar prominent north-south line of emergence formed just adjacent to the second south pole, the undersea ridge structure around Madagascar, on the floor of the Indian Ocean. This is the longitudinal line of emergence that extends northward as an undersea ridge until it splits land apart to form the Red Sea.

There are several prominent longitudinal lines of emergence to be seen as north-south ridges on the floor of the Indian Ocean. Moving eastward from the north-south section of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the southern hemisphere, the north-south section of the Great Rift Valley across east Africa is one. The ridge extending northward to form the Red Sea is another. This line then turns back to a north-south direction to form the Dead Sea and Jordan Valley of Israel. The Strait of Hormuz is also a continuation of this longitudinal line. The Chagos-Laccadive Ridge is the next. This ridge pokes above the water level in several places to form small islands, such as Diego Garcia, and meets the coast of India at the city of Mumbai. The next, proceeding eastward, is the Ninety East Ridge, named for it's longitude. This meets the coast of Asia to spread the land apart and form the lowland of Bangladesh.

My theory is that the Great Dividing Range of mountains, along the east coast of Australia, is a former longitudinal line of emergence that has been displaced by the continental movement of Australia, and the emergence now forms the Great Artesian Basin, which has an elevation below sea level. Notice that, in the northern hemisphere, there is the north-south axis of the Caspian Sea and the Ural Mountains which are extensions of these north-south lines of magma emergence from the present polar era.


My theory is that the Original Impact Line, the line of high and rocky terrain which extends across much of the world and is otherwise difficult to explain other than as the line of the debris left by the Second Continental Asteroid, which impacted earth at a low angle after likely spending a significant time in orbit around the earth, once extended much further west from the western end that we can see today in the rocky mountains of Greece and the Balkans.

For one thing, the lines of high rocky and mountainous terrain in northern and eastern Canada such as Newfoundland, Labrador and, Baffin Island could be detached sections of the Original Impact Line, which extended across much of the world, now in the eastern hemisphere, from the Second Continental Asteroid impact site at Antarctica. Remember that this explains, first of all how the extensive mountainous structures of Antarctica came to be, and why the relatively small continent of Antarctica is by far the highest continent in average land elevation.

Water on earth is believed by most to have come from comets. If one landed on the Original Impact Line, at the site of what is now the Tyrrhenian Sea, and shattered the line at that point into pieces, it would explain so much of what we see today. The impact of the comet caused the magma to emerge which formed Italy. The various shattered pieces of the line explain the existence of the following: the Gargano Peninsula of the east coast of Italy, Malta and part of Pantelleria, the Tuscan Archipelago of small islands which are not of volcanic origin, why the Balkan Mountains angle to the northwest along the coast of the Adriatic Sea, the Scandinavian (Kjolen) Mountains of Norway and Sweden which were a major broken off piece of the Original Impact Line which drifted tectonically north, the Massif Central plateau of southern France, why the Alps are so much higher and more extensive than their sibling collision mountains the Pyrenees (because the Alps were high and rocky terrain to begin with, before the collision of Italy), Mont St. Michel of Normandy, rocky features of England such as Exmoor, all of northern Scotland which split along the straight line of Glen Mor upon collision with the longitudinal line of emergence of the Pennines, the North York Moors which caught on the Pennines and broke loose from what is now Scotland, the Isle of Man, both the northern and southern sections of the island of Ireland which forced up the seafloor in between them by their movement to become the lowlands of central Ireland.

This relatively simple theory leaves virtually no major geographical features of the land, or ridges on the seafloor unexplained. This is, of course, a condensation of the theory as described in detail in the posting "The Story Of Planet Earth" on the geology blog.

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