Friday, October 11, 2019

Numbers And Cosmology

This has been added to the cosmology theory on this blog, described in the compound posting "The Theory Of Stationary Space". If you are not familiar with this theory you can read the introduction there.

Numbers and mathematics are so useful because they are representations of how the reality all around us works. But that means that just the nature of how numbers work might reveal some things about how the universe that it represents works.

We have negative and positive numbers ultimately because there are two electric charges in the universe, negative and positive. This negative and positive also show in the transmission of energy through space in the form of electromagnetic waves. Just as in a bank account, with checks and deposits, the negatively-charged and positively-charged particles equalize each other to balance out to zero.

The way that numbers work, in representing the universe, is reflected exactly in the way that my cosmology theory works.

In that cosmology theory, detailed in the composite posting on this blog "The Theory Of Stationary Space", the matter of the universe began within the pre-existing background space and a two-dimensional sheet of space that, like the multidimensional background space, formed by successive mutual reproduction of adjacent negative and positive electric charges. This two-dimensional sheet of space was within, but not contiguous with, the background space.

This would have been a flat two-dimensional plane, because there would have been no more information to make it otherwise. This flat plane of space, composed of an alternating checkerboard of negative and positive charges, is representative of zero. Zero is a real number and it means that there is nothing but there possibly could be something. If there was no possibility of a number other than zero, it wouldn't make any sense to represent something with zero.

In fact, all matter that we represent with numbers springs from this two-dimensional sheet as described in my theory. In that theory, charge migration took place to bring about a lower energy state so that one side of the sheet was negative and the other positively-charged, and the two opposite sides came into contact and then one dimension disintegrated in the matter-antimatter explosion that we perceive as the Big Bang. The lost dimension of this sheet became energy and the remaining dimension became the one-dimensional strings of matter that compose all matter in the universe.

All velocity is actually angles of strings or bundles of strings from the original flat sheet, now shifted at angles due to the energy available. Angles not only create velocities but also form atoms and other structures because the angles of the strings make it possible for them to interact and wrap around one another.

This brings about structures from the fundamental strings of the electric charges. First particles such as electrons, then atoms, then molecules, then structures, and finally large-scale astronomical structures that form by gravity. Each angle can be represented by a number, and that is what actually brought numbers into existence. Without these angles, there would be no number other than zero. But then when the strings combine it also brings other numbers to describe the compound structures.

If countless atoms combine to form an object, meaning that they now share one set of information, instead of counting all of the individual atoms we can now say that there is just one object.

The multiplication and division of arithmetic along with the squares and square roots that appear so frequebntly in our mathematical representations of the universe stem from this two-dimensional sheet from which all matter originated. We perform operations such as 5 + 4 because the numbers represent matter, or the remaining dimension of the sheet, while the addition is made possible by the energy of the other dimension of the sheet.

Most of the numbers that we deal with are low because most of the strings remain relatively near the former position of the two-dimensional sheet. All of the energy released by the other dimension of the sheet did not go into angles of indicidual strings because much of it went into the energy within matter, which we refer to as the Matter-Energy Equivalence, which is there even when the object is not in motion. The other reason that most of the numbers we deal with are low is simply that we best relate to objects of similar scale to ours, which necessarily favors low numbers.

But any angle is no more information than any other angle. This is reflected in how my concept of the complexity of a number works. The complexity of a number, or the information with it, is the value of a number when it is the denominator in a ratio or fraction. A higher number is no more complex than a lower number because any number is really x / 1.

5 is more complex than 1 only if we must select at least one of the 5, then we would express it as 1 / 5.

This cosmology theory also shows that infinity is not really a number. We could express zero as 0 / 1 and infinity as 1 / 0. This means that infinity has a denominator of zero and is thus of no information at all. In mathematics infinity doesn't really mean anything and infinity is not really a number.

In my cosmology theory, infinity is simply a right angle and thus contains no more information than the original sheet representing zero. Infinity contaisn even less information than the numbes between zero and infinity. Mathematics does not really wotk with infinity. In Einstein's Special Theory of relativity, the mass of an object at the speed of light is infinite.

This shows that the numerical representation of reality, which is what makes numbers so useful, very closely matches the way that matter operates in my cosmology theory, and that is further verification that it must be correct. The angles at which strings or bundles of strings in my cosmology theory are aligned is perfectly represented by the numbers that we use because we find them to be so useful.

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