Thursday, January 21, 2021

The 27 Message

We often hear about the notorious "27 Club". This is the unfortunately continuous parade of musicians who have died, due to drug usage, at age 27.

I am not-quite-pleased to say that the founder of the 27 Club is generally considered to be Brian Jones, from my native Gloucestershire.

But what do you notice about the number 27? It is the number of books in the New Testament. The New Testament refers to the approximately one-quarter of the Bible that was written after the life of Jesus. The rest, the Old Testament, was written before the time of Jesus.

We have seen in a number of postings on this blog, "The Failed Millenniums" February 2020, "Jerusalem And The Rock Music Era" September 2020, and the section "17) Crossing The Red Sea" in the compound posting "New Insight Into Bible Prophecy" October 2016, how I believe that the very special time known as the Sixties was God giving humanity a last chance to build the Millennium itself before God set the events in motion to bring about the Apocalypse, which will be followed by the establishment of Jesus' Kingdom on earth.

An explanation of the scenario of events leading to the fulfillment of the Bible prophecies in our time, the Apocalypse followed by the Millennium, is thoroughly explained in the posting on this blog, "The End Of The World As We Know It".

Could the 27 Club be an indirect message from God? With God allowing it to happen to show the destructiveness of so much of the rock music way of life, and to lead to the Bible instead? 

The 27 Club was very high-profile. It began in 1969-71 when four prominent musicians of the Rock Era, Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and, Jim Morrison all died, right in a row, at the age of 27. Aside from being rock musicians the one thing that they were known to have in common was their wild way of life.

More recent musicians who have joined the 27 Club include Curt Cobain and Amy Winehouse.

We have seen in the previous postings about the Sixties, listed above, how Jesus foretold that the return of the Jews to the original city of Jerusalem would begin the one-lifetime countdown to the Return of Jesus to set up the Millennial Kingdom on earth. Before the Millennium was established there had to be the terrible Tribulation Period of the Antichrist and the Apocalypse.

The Antichrist will not be obviously evil, not at first. He will seem to have all of the answers to everything. The Antichrist will be allowed to reign for seven years, and the first half will actually be the best time that the world has ever seen. But it will all be a fantastic satanic lie and things will begin to fall apart. The second half of the reign of the Antichrist will be the worst time that the world has ever seen and the Gospels are clear that if Jesus did not Return to end the Tribulation and set up the Millennium, no one would be left alive on earth.

If a person finds themselves in the Tribulation Period, Christians will be removed before it in the event known as the Rapture, they can still be saved but will almost certainly be killed.

What I find to be significant is that the ancient nation of Israel was indeed restored, after the Second World War in 1948, but there was a nineteen-year delay before the original city of Jerusalem was added, in 1967. The period of the delay was the time of coming-of-age of the Baby Boomers, the generation that was born just after the Second World War.

My conclusion is that this delay was God allowing the world a chance to build the Millennium itself without going through the terrible Tribulation Period. The Baby Boomers were the generation that followed the one that had seen world war, genocide, economic collapse and, the development of weapons that could destroy the world by pressing a few buttons. 

Maybe this could be the generation that had learned it's lesson and could build the Millennium without going through the Tribulation. God decided to give humanity a chance by delaying the inclusion of the original city of Jerusalem into the restored nation of Israel, which would begin the countdown.

But we just couldn't do it. We were just too sinful. When God saw that it just wasn't going to work, the world was only getting more sinful, the original city of Jerusalem was captured by the Jews, and added to Israel, to begin the one-lifetime countdown to the Millennium, with the Antichrist and Apocalypse preceding it.

Just after this happened is when the 27 Club began. 27 being the number of books in the New Testament. This looks like an effort by God to point the way away from the rock and roll way of life back to the Bible.

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