Thursday, August 11, 2022

Recent Solar Storm

Did anyone else notice this?

On Wednesday, August 3, I was reading the news on my phone. At about 10 A.M. EST I just lost my internet connection and couldn't get it back. Restarting the phone didn't work. If I managed to get onto a website I soon lost it. I tried another phone and it was the same thing. 

In early evening I tried the phone again and everything was fine. I didn't see anything about an outage on the news and thought that maybe there was an issue with the nearest phone tower that had now been fixed.

But the following morning, August 4, it was the same thing again, although not as severe as the day before. I was able to get onto a website if I kept reloading it, and didn't lose the connection after I got to it. By early afternoon everything was fine, although again there was nothing about any outage in the news.

Then I remembered that there had been a solar storm on August 3. That explains why there was only trouble with the internet during the day. Everything was fine after sunset, until the sun rose the following morning. I could see nothing about this in the news.

Does anyone remember exactly 50 years ago, during America's war in Vietnam, Haiphong Harbor was mined by the U.S.? The mines were dropped in the harbor by aircraft and were set not to activate immediately so that foreign ships in the harbor would have the chance to leave safely. The mines were designed not to explode on contact but to sense the change in magnetic field caused by the steel hull of a passing ship. But then on August 4, 1972, there was a solar storm that caused the mines to detonate.

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