Thursday, October 20, 2022

Remembering The Iranian Revolution

A while back, when the son of Ferdinand Marcos defied all odds to become president of the Philippines, I wrote the posting below, "The Marcos And Pahlavi Families", speculating that, if the Marcos family could return to power in the Philippines, then wasn't it at least a possibility that the Pahlavi family might return to power in Iran? This would restore a monarchy that had lasted 2,500 years.

Well today there is an uprising that is the most serious challenge to the government of Iran in decades. I certainly do not mean this to interfere in the internal business of countries that are not my own, only to provide interesting commentary on what is going on in the world.

Most of today's postings are about reflections of the Iranian Revolution of 1979, of which events taking place now look like a budding reversal of it. Following is the original posting.


The overthrow of Ferdinand Marcos in the Philippines, in 1986, and the overthrow of the Shah of Iran, in 1979, were quite similar. Both families were overthrown by popular revolutions and went off into exile. At the time of their overthrow it was unimaginable that either family could ever return to power.

But now the son of Ferdinand Marcos has been elected as President of the Philippines. Far from being apologetic about the excesses of his father's rule, he is portraying it as a "golden age". So the next question is that, if the Marcos family can return to power then what about the Pahlavi family, the family of the last Shah of Iran?

I have an autographed portrait of Empress Farah, the widow of the Shah, on my wall.

Here is a link to the posting on this blog, "Remembering The Pahlavi Dynasty":

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