Thursday, November 17, 2022

Murders West Of Toronto

Did anyone notice that the house in the town of Dundas, just north of Hamilton, where Richard Taylor murdered his mother and stepfather is visible on Google Earth? 

Richard Taylor was a teacher that had trouble handling money. He was deeply in debt but kept his wife convinced that they were well off and had lots of money. In doing so he weaved a tangled web of lies that were in danger of unraveling.

He knew that he would get a lot of money upon the death of his mother who lived with her husband, his stepfather. This seemed like his only way out. He had a key to their home in Dundas, where he had grown up. 

He went to their home in the middle of the night and went inside. He entered their bedroom and poured a flammable liquid. He set fire to it and then blocked the bedroom door so they couldn't get out. His stepfather managed to escape through a window and, before dying of severe burns, told neighbors that his stepson had set the fire. Firefighters got his mother out but couldn't save her life.

His alibi was that he had fallen, before the fire, and injured his leg. Indeed he did limp and use crutches when dealing with investigators, but he was under surveillance and was observed walking just fine when he didn't know anyone was watching. There was also footage on a security camera of him walking fine just before the fire.

Richard Taylor attended nearby Medaille College in Buffalo. Does everyone at Medaille know that one of your alumni has been convicted of this horrific murder?

This happened in 2018. Just by chance the satellite that took the imagery of the area for Google Earth passed over after the fire happened but before the house was demolished. This house, where Richard Taylor grew up, was in Dundas. According to news reports he lived in Oakville and taught at a school in Hamilton.

This image, from an angle, shows the house with part of the roof burned away. Image from Google Earth.

In this image, looking straight down, it is visible right where the murders happened. Image from Google Earth.

This house is not visible on Google Street View because it had been demolished, and another house built on the site, by the time the latest Google Street View imagery was taken.

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