Thursday, July 6, 2023

Coup Attempt In Russia

The alarm clock is sounding. The tea or coffee is ready. We can wake up now.

The recent coup attempt in Russia, that began on June 24 and so alarmed the world, was one hundred percent theatrics.

The coup attempt was very reminiscent of the 1991 August Coup against Mikhail Gorbachev. Boris Yeltsin gained so much from the bizarre coup attempt, the leaders unexpectedly gave up after three days, that he became the next leader of the country. We saw in the compound posting "Investigations", December 2018, section 53) DID BORIS YELTSIN STAGE THE 1991 COUP?, my certainty that Yeltsin staged that coup.

This equally bizarre coup attempt shook the world just as the one in 1991 did. The reason that what goes on in Russia can alarm the world is simply that Russia has thousands of nuclear missiles and whoever might gain control of Russia would also gain control of those missiles.

But why would a coup attempt, by a mercenary organization that was used by the Russian Government, start in distant Rostov and make it's way by convoy toward Moscow, with the global news media continuously reporting on it's progress? If Donald Trump supporters wanted to overthrown the government in Washington they probably wouldn't start with a convoy making it's way to Washington from Denver.

The expressed aim of the coup was not to overthrow Vladimir Putin, or the entire Russian Government, but only the Defense Ministry. This is really a new one. I have been following world news since childhood and I have never heard of a coup that only aimed to overthrow one particular ministry, and not the leader of the country.

Vladimir Putin made an alarmed speech that the existence of Russia itself was threatened by the coup. Dmitry Medvedev was even more alarming, if the rebels should get hold of Russia's nuclear weapons "The world would be on the brink of destruction".

As the convoy passed the city of Voronezh there was a massive blast. A fuel depot had exploded. But there had been no combat. The Russian forces themselves had bombed the fuel depot, supposedly to keep the fuel out of the hands of the rebels. The explosion gave the world's news cameras something to focus on. The explosion looked like a miniature nuclear explosion, as if to remind everyone that a lot of nuclear weapons were at stake here.

The military vehicles patrolling around Moscow, and the tearing up of roads supposedly to hinder the rebel convoy when it was still very far away, looked very much like it was being done for the cameras. Remember that there were only a few thousand rebels in the convoy and I cannot see that they had heavy weapons with them, other than tanks being transported by truck.

Remembering that all I know about this is what was in the news. There were reports that Vladimir Putin left for St. Petersburg by plane while this was going on. But then in St. Petersburg he watched a festival from a yacht. This makes it appear that he wanted to make it look as if he was evacuating Moscow but knew that the coup attempt wasn't for real.

Some Russians cheering the mercenaries on and a few people being killed, or at least reported as killed, was a necessary part of the theatrics.

Then suddenly it was over, just like in 1991. Vladimir Putin at first pronounced dire consequences for the coup plotters but then decided to pardon them, again just like in 1991.

I am certain that the reason for this coup attempt show was to alarm the world, which it definitely succeeded in doing, in order to induce the emergence of the Antichrist, who will seem to have all the answers to everything. 

The leader of a band of near-lawless mercenaries apparently almost succeeded at getting control of Russia's thousands of nuclear missiles. Putin appears as weakened after this and who knows when someone else might try to overthrow him, and get hold of all those missiles. This should give the world abundant reason to worry. At least with Putin the world knows what it is dealing with and that he is unlikely to impulsively use nuclear weapons.

The Russian Government knows, as well as the west does, about the End Times, as we saw in the posting "The End Of The World As We Know It". But the "godless Communism" of the Cold War is long gone. Putin and his government now see it as "Holy Russia" against the west that has fallen into decadence and apostasy. The Apocalypse has to happen but Russia will come out of it much better than the decadent west.

Whatever Putin's goals are in Ukraine those goals are secondary to this objective. I don't think he wants to win quickly. The objective is a drawn-out conflict that will alarm and disrupt the world enough to bring about the emergence of the Antichrist, who will seem to have all the answers. Putin is looking at his potential place in eternal history for being the one who got End Times events underway, and this staged theatrical coup attempt was part of that strategy.

Also related to this is last week's postings "Inducing The Apocalypse" and "Prophecy And War In Ukraine".

Vladimir Putin knows exactly what he is doing. There is a saying that "You can fool all of the people some of the time, and you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time". That saying was from before Vladimir Putin came along, although it is Dmitry Medvedev that makes the most apocalyptic statements. Only a few people in the Kremlin are in on what Putin is doing.

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