Thursday, November 23, 2023

The Interpretations Of Quantum Physics And Other Universes

Quantum Physics is a relatively new science that has had two basic ways to interpret it emerge. Quantum Physics features events that cannot be explained by any ordinary science but yet can be clearly demonstrated by experiment.

A common way to interpret Quantum Physics is the so-called "Copenhagen Interpretation". It makes a lot of difference if a quantum interaction is observed or not. The observation is actually part of the interaction. In the famous Double Slit Experiment if a beam of electrons is aimed at a double slit, with a screen behind, the electrons will form a corresponding diffraction pattern on screen, but only if the experiment is not observed. If the experiment is observed it will be as if the electrons only went through one of the slits.

The Copenhagen Interpretation is that a quantum system exists in all possible quantum states if it is not observed but, when observed, it collapses into only one quantum state. The observation is very much a part of the interaction. The Copenhagen Interpretation has been around since the 1920s.

In the 1950s another interpretation was introduced. The "Many Worlds Interpretation" does not involve a "collapse" into one quantum state and the observation is not an essential part of it, as in the Copenhagen Interpretation. In the Many Worlds Interpretation everything that can happen in a quantum interaction must happen, but all courses of events except the one that we see here happens in other universes. It somewhat evokes Newton's Law of Equal and Opposite Reactions that, if something happens, it's opposite must also happen, even if it is in another universe.

The Copenhagen Interpretation has remained the more popular of the two. But the Many Worlds Interpretation has always had it's adherents and has not gone away.

My cosmology theory has another way to classify interpretations of quantum theory, "With Us" and "Without Us". 

A basic presumption of science is that we have an unbiased view of the universe, and that we can completely rely on our measurements and observations. A central tenet of my cosmology theory is that we do not have an unbiased view of the universe. We are part of the universe and see it as we do not only because of what it is but also because of what we are.

Consider the two following statements.

A) The sun will rise tomorrow at 6:24 AM and set at 7:41.

B) The sun doesn't rise or set, it is the earth that is rotating.

These statements are contradictory but yet both are true. The way this can be is that A is a "With Us" statement and B is a "Without Us" statement. The rising and setting of the sun results from our observation and perspective. If there was no life on earth to observe it, then only B would be true. A depends on observation but B doesn't.

In my cosmology theory we inhabit four spatial dimensions, one of which we perceive as time. We perceive the fundamental components of matter as particles, such as electrons, but that is because we can only see in three of the four dimensions. The strings of matter are aligned primarily along the fourth dimension, the one we perceive as time. Our consciousnesses are moving along the bundles of strings that comprise our bodies and brains, at what we perceive as the speed of light.

Here is a link to the posting that I use to introduce the cosmology theory:

Our nature is what brings about the "With Us" interpretations, but in two different ways. First is the movement of our consciousness that we experience as time. Second is that our eyes, as well as our measurement devices, operate by electromagnetic radiation knocking electrons out of atomic orbitals. These electrons are really strings. Electromagnetic waves are two dimensional and, when this happens, it absorbs one dimension of the wave. The remaining dimension of the wave is a "particle" of light that we call a "photon".

The electrons that we rely on for measurement or observation absorbing one dimension of an electromagnetic wave is what causes the apparent "collapse" of quantum systems, to only one quantum state, in the Copenhagen Interpretation. This is why I refer to it as a "With Us" interpretation, because it depends on our observation.

Albert Einstein had two theories of Relativity, the Special Theory and the General Theory. The same principle applies here. The Special Theory is a "With Us" theory and the General Theory is a "Without Us" theory.

The Special Theory Of Relativity is about how the speed of light is sacrosanct, and everything revolves around it. If a spacecraft could travel at close to the speed of light, it's mass would drastically increase to near infinite, it's length would become shorter, and time for it would drastically slow down.

But this cannot literally be true, even though it can be demonstrated by experimentation, because cosmic ray particles all around us move at, or near, the speed of light. This should give the particles near-infinite mass, and since gravity is proportional to mass this should give them near-infinite gravity. This means that a single cosmic ray particle should be able to wrap the earth around itself by it's tremendous gravity, yet clearly this doesn't happen.

The Special Theory Of Relativity is a "With Us" theory. It can be easily explained by my cosmology theory that this is the way we perceive things, but it exists only in our observation. Time is our consciousnesses moving, at what we perceive as the speed of light, along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains. This is why the speed of light is so sacrosanct. 

If our bundle of strings were to be bent at a right angle, which we would perceive as moving at the speed of light, our time flow would now be vertical, and would have appeared to stop in the original horizontal dimension. Our mass, far into our future direction, would now be concentrated at one point, from the horizontal dimension, and would thus appear to be infinite. The foreshortening is a simple matter of trigonometric functions, if we look at a brick at an angle it occupies less angular diameter than if we look at it perpendicular.

We perceive electromagnetic radiation as moving at the speed of light because it always moves at right angles, relatively to the alignment of strings of matter in the dimension that we perceive as time. Einsteins famous formula, E = MC squared, means that the energy in matter, which is necessary to hold the like charges together against their mutual repulsion, equals the mass multiplied by the speed of light, squared. The first speed of light is the like electric charges of matter, if freed by a process such as nuclear fission, moving apart in the most direction, which is right angles in opposite directions, and my theory defines the speed of light as a right angle. The second speed of light is our consciousnesses rushing by, at what we perceive as the speed of light.

The General Theory Of Relativity, in contrast, is about how gravity results from mass curving the space around it. An object in orbit is moving in a straight line, but through curved space. This makes it a "Without Us" theory as it has no dependence on human observation.

The Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Physics also has no dependence on any observation. If something happens in our universe, on the quantum scale, what didn't happen must happen in another universe. This makes sense because it would result in a higher information state for one thing out of many to happen, instead of all of them happening.


There is a lot of discussion nowadays about the possibility of universes other than our own. I have not gotten into it much but my cosmology theory has other universes as not only possible, but even probable. But by their very definition we can never access these other universes. If we could they wouldn't be other universes, they would be our universe.

My cosmology theory has our universe beginning with the mutual induction of opposite electric charges in multiple dimensions. An "orphan" two-dimensional sheet of space formed that was within, but not contiguous with, the multi-dimensional background space. This means that the checkerboard of alternating negative and positive charges in the two blocks were not aligned. This caused charge migration to take place in the sheet, mostly positive charges to one side and mostly negative to the other. But since the sheet wasn't aligned with the background space this caused the positive side of the sheet to contact the negative side. The result was the matter antimatter annihilation that we perceive as the Big Bang, which began the universe. One dimension of the two-dimensional sheet disintegrated into energy, the one that came into contact, and the other became the one-dimensional strings of matter. These strings were scattered over four dimensions of the background space, three of which we perceive as space and one of which we perceive as time, as described above.

But in no way does this mean there could not be more than four dimensions in the universe. A two-dimensional sheet could not be scattered over more than four dimensions. It would actually be a lower information state for there to be an infinite number of dimensions, since that avoids making a choice of a finite number. However many dimensions we have, if that many can form then why can't one more form?

As for the two-dimensional sheet of space, the same logic applies. If this happens in one four-dimensional block then why shouldn't it happen in others? Why did it happen in our block anyway? Could it have been a reaction to a similar sheet forming in an adjacent block? This brings us to Newton's Law of Equal and Opposite Reactions.

It also brings us to the Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Physics. The two-dimensional sheet that forms matter and energy in our universe can be the reaction to the corresponding event in another universe. This means that what might have happened, but didn't happen, in one universe can happen in the next universe. With universes being just blocks of space with disintegrating sheets of non-contiguous sheets of space within. This is a "Without Us" scenario that in no way is mutually exclusive with the "With Us" interpretations.

According to my cosmology theory we can see the Many Worlds Interpretation in our own universe. Atoms are composed of electrons in orbitals around a nucleus. The electrons have a negative charge and the nucleus a positive charge. But there is nothing written in stone that negative has to be on the outside, and positive on the inside. It could just have easily been reversed and no one can find any reason why the universe is composed of matter, rather than antimatter.

In my cosmology theory, since charge migration took place in the two-dimensional sheet, with one side becoming more negative and the other more positive, there must be a mirror image of our universe on the other side of the Big Bang that is made of antimatter. Although on both sides the electric charges balance out overall.

I have my own interpretation of Quantum Physics that is neither the Copenhagen or Many Worlds Interpretation. It is a "Without Us" interpretation but is not mutually exclusive with the Many Worlds Interpretation. My interpretation concerns the distribution of matter in our universe, which is extremely sparse. The existing arrangement of matter is a permutation that had to leave the empty spaces for all courses of development, at all scales, that might have happened but didn't happen. Here is a link to it:

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