Thursday, May 9, 2024

New Exoplanet Found

It was in the news this week that a planet has been discovered in orbit around a star. The planet is very hot and has a dense atmosphere.

So what do you suppose this means with regard to the posting "Nova And Supernova", April 2024? 

I define a nova as a blasting away of a star's outer layers and a supernova as the explosion of the star from the center. When enough matter accumulates by gravity to overcome the mutual repulsion between the outer electrons in atoms and thus fuse smaller atoms together into larger ones the excess energy is released as radiation and a star is born. A star is an equilibrium between the inward pull of gravity and the outward push of the energy released by the fusion.

As time goes on, and lighter atoms are fused together into heavier ones, successively heavier atoms are fused together so that more energy per time is released. This upsets the equilibrium in favor of the energy released from the center of the star. Our sun is now fusing four hydrogen atoms into one helium atom. When it reaches this stage the sun will swell outward into a "red giant" star.

The largest stars, however, will eventually explode from the center in a supernova. But before that it may blast off the outer layers of the star in an effort to regain equilibrium by decreasing the gravitational pressure on the center where fusion takes place. This is what I refer to as a nova and it may repeat several times. If that doesn't restore the equilibrium the star may explode from the center in a supernova.

Much of the matter thrown outward by a supernova will fall back together by gravity. This is how solar systems form. We know that the sun is a second generation star because it contains heavy elements that are beyond it's current stage in the fusion process. The heavy elements that were formed by fusion in the previous star collected together by gravity to form the planets. The ordinary fusion process only goes as far as iron which is why iron is so abundant in the inner Solar System. Iron is the most abundant element on earth, by mass, and Mercury is nicknamed "The Iron Planet".

I believe that the previous star underwent three nova, a blasting away of the outer layers, before finally exploding in the supernova. A nova fused the lighter atoms in the outer layers of the star into molecules, including water. The first nova formed the distant comets, known as the Oort Cloud. The second nova formed the nearer comets, known as the Kuiper Belt. The third nova formed the atmospheres of the outer planets, the methane and ammonia of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and, Neptune.

So, going back to this new exoplanet that has been discovered, that is very hot and with a dense atmosphere. What this tells us is that there were strong nova before the previous star of that solar system exploded in a supernova. These nova fused the light atoms in the outer layers of the star into the molecules that now form the atmosphere of this planet. Strong nova meant that the ultimate supernova was weaker. This means that the supernova didn't throw the heavier matter from the center of the star as far. This is why the planet is closer to it's star, which is why it is hot.

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