Thursday, August 1, 2024

Developments In The Middle East

Aside from the escalation of the conflict in the Middle East, by Israel attacking the Houthis in distant Yemen, bombing Beirut and killing a top leader of Hezbollah and, killing a top leader of Hamas while he was in Iran, there have been other developments in the Middle East. 

With regard to the apocalyptic prophecies, as described in the posting "The End Of The World As We Know It", June 2024, one complication of the invasion of Israel from the north, which will start the final series of wars of the world, is Turkiye (formerly spelled "Turkey"). The northern invader is widely believed to be Russia, and Moscow is due north of Israel. But this means the most direct invasion route is across Turkiye. This complication was, however, was apparently resolved this week when the President of Turkiye himself threatened to invade Israel. 

The Hamas leader, Haniyeh, who was killed in Iran was killed by a bomb that had earlier been planted in the building where he regularly stayed when visiting Iran. The bomb had been secretly smuggled into the building. I can't see that any of the news sources has picked up on it but there is a definite message from Israel here. In June 1981 the horrific Hafte Tir Bombing killed most of the top people in the Iranian Government, more than 70 people. It is a credit to the Iranian Revolution that it survived this bombing. A massive bomb had been smuggled into where the government was meeting. Israel never denied being behind this bombing, although I don't believe that it was. The unmistakable message of this week's assassination of the Hamas leader is "Don't forget Hafte Tir because it could happen again". 

For more about the Hafte Tir Bombing see "Remembering Abolhassan Bani-Sadr", October 2022. 

The air attack on distant Yemen is also an unspoken message from Israel to Iran. It evokes the air attack on the Iraqi nuclear reactor that happened just before the Hafte Tir Bombing. We saw this in the compound posting "Investigations", December 2018, section 2) THE REAL STORY OF OSIRAK.

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