Thursday, August 22, 2024

Making Cleaning More Interesting

When you have to do cleaning, or you have a job that includes cleaning, here is something that might make it more interesting.

The so-called "Dust Budget Crisis" sounds like it is about a city's inability to afford to operate street sweepers. It is actually about the efforts of scientists to explain why so much of the heavier matter in space, meaning heavier than hydrogen or helium, is in the form of dust. A much-higher proportion of heavier matter is in the form of dust than scientific models predict there should be. 

This is from the Wikipedia article "Crab Nebula". It is dust from a supernova explosion illuminated by a star within.

The answer is very simple. It is a matter of how information operates. This is solved not by my cosmology theory but by the theory, "The Lowest Information Point", December 2017.

The first section of that theory is "THE BIAS TOWARD DUST". I wrote that explanation of why there is so much dust in space before I ever heard of the "Dust Budget Crisis". 

There is the nearly infinitesimal scale known as Planck's Length, after the German physicist, because it shows up in all manner of physics formula. In my cosmology theory the universe is composed of negative and positive electric charges and Planck's Length is so important because it is the size of one of these charges. Then there is the nearly infinite scale of the entire universe. The reason for so much dust in space is that the typical size of a mote of dust is exactly halfway between these two scales. As explained in "The Lowest Information Point" this makes the scale of dust particles a favored position. 

The reason it is a favored position is that this halfway point in scale requires less information than would be required otherwise. We can illustrate this by what I call "related ratios". These are two equal ratios where the numerator of one is also the denominator of the other. A / B = B / C contains less information than A / B = C / D because the first equation contains only three points of information while the second contains four. This is what I mean by "The Lowest Information Point".

Doesn't that make cleaning up at least a little bit more interesting? 

This also explains why metals exist and the majority of the elements are metals. In a metal a large number of atoms share their outermost electrons. This explains the metallic properties such as the tendency to conduct electricity. A collection of atoms that shares it's outermost electrons is known as a crystal. These metallic crystals exist because, just like a mote of dust, they are in a favored position because they are generally halfway in scale between the scale of the near-infinitesimal electric charges that comprise everything in the universe and the scale of the entire universe.

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