Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Information Mismatch In The Universe

This is being reposted because more has been added to it.

The simple harmonic motion of a pendulum is caused by an information mismatch. It is one dimension of information against two. The axis of the pendulum is a one-dimensional line but it can swing in two dimensions. 

When the pendulum is released from a position, other than with it's axis aligned with the direction of gravity, what should happen, according to the Law of Gravity, is that the pendulum should immediately align itself with gravity with the one-dimensional axis in a vertical position, and if it was an object falling in a one-dimensional line that is what would happen.

But what a pendulum does is effectively to get an object to fall in two dimensions, rather than one. The two dimensions must be represented equally, regardless of which one the fall begins in. Since the pendulum itself is only one-dimensional it's initial fall must be equalled on the other side. But this makes it go too far to the other side, relative to what it would do if this was a one-dimensional fall. So it corrects this by going back in the opposite direction, but then goes too far to the other side. The process repeats and, if there was no such thing as friction or outside forces, would go on indefinitely. 

In my cosmology theory the matter in the universe is also an information mismatch because it originated from a two-dimensional sheet of space that was within, but not contiguous with, the surrounding background space. The Big Bang saw one of the two dimensions of the sheet disintegrate into energy and the other formed matter, which was scattered over four dimensions of the background space. We perceive one of these four dimensions as time. So it is an information mismatch of two dimensions against four, in a way similar to that of a pendulum, and the matter in the universe actually operates like a pendulum. 

For an explanation of the cosmology theory there is an abbreviated version of it in the posting "Cosmology Theory Illustrated With Diagrams", January 2024.

The way that matter in the universe operates like a pendulum is to alternate between concentration and dispersion. We could say that the two-dimensional sheet, within the background of four dimensions, was a concentration and the scattering caused by the Big Bang was a dispersion. But then, when the universe had cooled enough, many of the negatively- and positively-charged particles came together to form atoms, which usually have a neutral electric charge. Aside from atoms, other matter came back together into quarks, other than those within nucleons, and black holes. 

Even when the charged particles came back together to form atoms the dispersion side of the pendulum was at work. The vast majority of the inside of an atom is empty space. Hydrogen is the simplest and original atom, and still by far the most common element in the universe. The density inside a hydrogen atom is just about what we would expect if matter consists of two dimensions dispersed through four, one of which we perceive as time.

Many of the atoms come back together into stars, and then the stars into galaxies and groups of galaxies. This is the Big Bang trying to come back together, according to the pendulum principle of concentration against dispersion. It comes back together even more as lighter atoms are crunched together into heavier atoms by fusion in stars. A star is born when enough matter comes together by mutual gravity to overcome the electron repulsion between atoms and crunch lighter atoms into heavier ones. The new heavier atom contains less overall energy than the lighter atoms that were fused together to form it. The excess energy is released as radiation and that is why stars shine.

But the dispersion side of the pendulum is still at work, and the pendulum must swing back to that side. The fusion of atoms in stars, which is concentration, is balanced by the release of radiation during the process, which is dispersion. If the star is large enough it will ultimately explode in a supernova, which is dispersion as it scatters matter across space. The energy released by a supernova fuses some atoms together into elements heavier than iron, which cannot be formed by the ordinary fusion process. This is concentration but the dispersion side of the pendulum is still at work as many of these new heavy atoms are less-than-stable and gradually release particles or radiation to reach a more stable state. These emissions are known as radioactivity. 

Black holes, by far the greatest concentration of matter, eventually evaporate into radiation. So radiation is the ultimate return to dispersion, from concentration. Every time you see the stars you can see that matter, which is a concentration, is continuously being converted to radiation but the process is not being reversed.

With the radiation that is the ultimate in dispersion we again see the simple harmonic motion of the pendulum pattern. A wave cycle of electromagnetic radiation can be graphed as a sine wave. It starts from zero and proceeds to a peak on what we could call the positive side. It then goes back to zero before repeating the process on what we could call the negative side. It is just like a pendulum. 

The explanation given by my cosmology theory is that there is an information mismatch, just as with the pendulum, of one dimension against two. Matter ultimately consists of one-dimensional strings, one of the two dimensions of the original two-dimensional sheet of space, while an electromagnetic wave is two-dimensional. All electromagnetic waves originate with matter. Unlike with a pendulum there is no friction in space but the wave must diminish with distance, according to the Inverse Square Law. The result is the same as with the pendulum, the wave first goes too far to one side and then the other.

So when matter is continuously converted to radiation it is a movement toward the dispersion side but the pendulum principle is still there in the sine wave. 

Another way we can see this information mismatch, of two dimensions against one, is in centrifugal force, and this parallels the information mismatch of the pendulum. When an object is moving in an arc there is a force pulling to the outside. There are many obvious examples of centrifugal force, from carnival rides to the earth bulging at the equator due to it's spin. 

But what is happening is that the object is moving, at any given moment, along a one-dimensional straight line. But the arc is two-dimensional and this is what causes the information mismatch of one dimension against two. The direction of the one-dimensional straight line, along which the object is moving, is continuously changing. This is what causes the outward force that we refer to as centrifugal force. The object is still moving in the direction that it was a moment ago as the direction of movement changes. 

This information mismatch shows the truth of my cosmology theory. Matter formed from a two-dimensional sheet of space that was within, but not contiguous with, the four dimensions of background space over which the matter was scattered over. If not for this information mismatch there would be no such thing as simple harmonic motion, including pendulums and electromagnetic waves, or centrifugal force in the universe. 

The nature of the universe, as described here, shows that matter and space did not form together. Space formed first and matter is somewhat of an alien newcomer. This information mismatch is because, as described in my cosmology theory, matter former from a two-dimensional sheet of space that was within, but not contiguous with, four dimensions of background space. One of the two dimensions became matter and the other became energy, in what we perceive as the Big Bang. This explains why the average density of matter in the universe is extremely sparse and the universe always seeks the lowest energy state.

None of this would be the case if matter and space had formed together, as is held by many cosmological theories. We can see that the dimensions of space form right angles, because that is the only form that can fit together with no leftover space. But yet gravitational spheres of matter, such as planets and stars, take the form that is as different as possible from right angles. If matter and space had formed together this would not be the case and they would take the same form.

The rotation and revolution of stars, planets and galaxies achieves the lowest information state because, by cycling through all possible positions, it avoids the necessity of making the choice of one position. We know that energy and information is really the same thing, because we cannot add information to anything without applying energy to it and cannot apply energy to anything without adding information to it, and if, as we know, the universe always seeks the lowest energy state, then it should also seek the lowest information state. This seeking of the lowest information and energy states would be completely unnecessary, and would make no sense, if space and matter had formed together.

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